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"《R for machine learning》是关于使用R语言进行机器学习的教程,适合个人学习使用。" 在当今的科学和商业领域,数据的收集量日益庞大,数据分析和学习的能力对于做出明智决策至关重要。R语言作为一种强大的统计分析工具,因其独特的优势,成为机器学习领域的一个热门选择。以下是对R语言在机器学习中应用的详细说明: 1. **免费性**:R语言是开源的,这意味着你可以免费下载和使用,无论你在何处工作或旅行,都不必担心软件授权费用。这使得R成为那些预算有限或希望避免昂贵软件许可证的企业和研究者的理想选择。 2. **前沿技术接入**:R社区活跃且发展迅速,许多顶级研究人员在R中开发最新的统计学习方法。通过R的包管理系统,用户可以轻松获取并应用到最新的机器学习算法,保持技术的领先性。 3. **就业价值**:随着数据分析的重要性日益提升,越来越多的雇主重视R语言技能。掌握R不仅可以增强你的专业能力,也是简历上的亮点,有助于提升求职竞争力。 4. **编程语言特性**:R是一种编程语言,它不像某些图形化用户界面软件那样直观地通过点击按钮操作。但这也意味着用户可以通过编写代码实现高度自定义和自动化的工作流程,从而更灵活地处理复杂的数据任务。 5. **丰富的生态系统**:R拥有丰富的库和包,如`caret`用于模型训练和评估,`tidyverse`系列包提供数据清洗和可视化,`randomForest`和`xgboost`支持树模型,`neuralnet`和`keras`则涉及深度学习。这些包极大地扩展了R在机器学习中的应用范围。 6. **可视化能力**:R中的`ggplot2`库是数据可视化的重要工具,能帮助用户创建高质量、交互式的图表,更好地理解和解释数据。 7. **学习资源**:R拥有庞大的社区和丰富的在线资源,如Stack Overflow、R-bloggers和CRAN Task Views,为学习者提供了大量的教程、代码示例和问题解答。 8. **协作与版本控制**:R支持Markdown文档,方便编写可重复性报告,同时与Git等版本控制系统集成良好,便于团队合作和代码管理。 9. **模型解释与评估**:R中的`ROCR`和`caret`包提供模型性能评估,`broom`包则帮助整理模型结果,便于解释模型的预测和特征重要性。 10. **跨平台**:R可在Windows、MacOS和Linux等不同操作系统上运行,确保了广泛的应用和兼容性。 《R for machine learning》教程将引导学习者深入理解如何利用R进行数据预处理、特征工程、模型选择、调参优化以及结果可视化,帮助他们成为更高效的机器学习实践者。通过学习R,不仅可以提升个人的统计和分析能力,也有助于职业发展。
2016-12-24 上传
Machine Learning Using R English | 12 Jan. 2017 | ISBN: 1484223330 | 568 Pages | PDF | 11.47 MB This book is inspired by the Machine Learning Model Building Process Flow, which provides the reader the ability to understand a ML algorithm and apply the entire process of building a ML model from the raw data. This new paradigm of teaching Machine Learning will bring about a radical change in perception for many of those who think this subject is difficult to learn. Though theory sometimes looks difficult, especially when there is heavy mathematics involved, the seamless flow from the theoretical aspects to example-driven learning provided in Blockchain and Capitalism makes it easy for someone to connect the dots. For every Machine Learning algorithm covered in this book, a 3-D approach of theory, case-study and practice will be given. And where appropriate, the mathematics will be explained through visualization in R. All practical demonstrations will be explored in R, a powerful programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The various packages and methods available in R will be used to explain the topics. In the end, readers will learn some of the latest technological advancements in building a scalable machine learning model with Big Data. Who This Book is For: Data scientists, data science professionals and researchers in academia who want to understand the nuances of Machine learning approaches/algorithms along with ways to see them in practice using R. The book will also benefit the readers who want to understand the technology behind implementing a scalable machine learning model using Apache Hadoop, Hive, Pig and Spark. What you will learn: 1. ML model building process flow 2. Theoretical aspects of Machine Learning 3. Industry based Case-Study 4. Example based understanding of ML algorithm using R 5. Building ML models using Apache Hadoop and Spark