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收藏 814KB PPTX 举报
The document "外企CRM培训教材英文版.pptx" appears to be a training manual or presentation for a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) course or training program for a foreign company. The content seems to be primarily in Chinese, but there are some English phrases and terms included. The document also contains numerical codes and dates, such as "2003" and "11/13/2019", as well as IP address "33.686.17.8592".
Based on the limited information provided, it is difficult to fully understand the specific details and context of the document. However, it likely includes sections on CRM principles, strategies, and practices relevant to the international business environment. It may also cover topics related to customer retention, data management, and sales strategies.
The presence of English phrases and terms suggests that the training material may be designed for bilingual or multilingual audiences, possibly for employees or participants who are expected to work in an English-speaking business setting. The inclusion of IP address and dates may indicate that this document is being accessed or updated as of the specified date "11/13/2019".
Overall, the document appears to be a resource for training individuals in CRM principles and practices within the context of a foreign company. It likely contains valuable information for those seeking to understand and implement effective customer relationship management strategies in an international business environment. However, without access to the full content of the document, it is challenging to provide a complete and detailed summary.
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