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"《Sparse and Redundant Representations: From Theory to Applications in Signal and Image Processing》是由Michael Elad编写的,这是一本深入探讨稀疏表示理论与应用的书籍,适用于那些想要在信号和图像处理领域研究稀疏表示的读者。这本书由The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology的Michael Elad撰写,涵盖了稀疏和冗余表示的理论基础以及它们在实际应用中的重要性。" 稀疏表示(Sparse Representations)是现代信号处理和图像分析中的核心概念。它指的是通过少数基函数或原子来近似复杂数据集的能力,这些基函数通常是线性的、正交的,并且能够以最小的非零项数量来精确或近似表示信号。这种表示方法对于噪声消除、压缩感知、图像恢复、特征提取等领域具有显著优势。 在本书中,Michael Elad详细介绍了稀疏表示的理论基础,包括压缩感知理论(Compressive Sensing Theory),该理论指出,如果一个信号可以用稀疏方式表示,那么只需要远小于传统采样定理所需的样本数,就可以重构原始信号。此外,他还讨论了稀疏解码算法,如LASSO(Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator)和BP( Basis Pursuit),这些算法用于找到最稀疏的解决方案。 冗余表示(Redundant Representations)是稀疏表示的一个重要补充,它允许数据在多个基下有多种表示。冗余可以增加表示的鲁棒性和灵活性,对于处理噪声和不确定性特别有用。例如,冗余字典可以包含多种基,如小波、傅立叶和稀疏原子,使得信号在不同基下的表示更加灵活。 书中还涉及到了信号和图像处理的实际应用,如图像去噪、图像复原、压缩感知成像等。在这些应用中,稀疏表示可以帮助提高图像质量,减少计算复杂度,并能有效地处理大规模数据。 此外,书中可能还涵盖了数学工具,如优化理论、矩阵论和概率统计,这些都是理解和实现稀疏表示的关键。通过这些工具,读者可以深入理解如何构建和利用稀疏和冗余表示来解决实际问题。 最后,这本书不仅对学术研究者有价值,也适合工程技术人员和研究生,因为它提供了丰富的理论背景和实用案例,有助于读者将理论知识应用于实际场景。 《Sparse and Redundant Representations》是一本全面介绍稀疏表示和冗余表示的著作,它连接了理论与实践,对于深入理解这一领域的基本概念和技术有着极大的帮助。
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This textbook introduces sparse and redundant representations with a focus on applications in signal and image processing. The theoretical and numerical foundations are tackled before the applications are discussed. Mathematical modeling for signal sources is discussed along with how to use the proper model for tasks such as denoising, restoration, separation, interpolation and extrapolation, compression, sampling, analysis and synthesis, detection, recognition, and more. The presentation is elegant and engaging. Sparse and Redundant Representations is intended for graduate students in applied mathematics and electrical engineering, as well as applied mathematicians, engineers, and researchers who are active in the fields of signal and image processing. * Introduces theoretical and numerical foundations before tackling applications * Discusses how to use the proper model for various situations * Introduces sparse and redundant representations * Focuses on applications in signal and image processing The field of sparse and redundant representation modeling has gone through a major revolution in the past two decades. This started with a series of algorithms for approximating the sparsest solutions of linear systems of equations, later to be followed by surprising theoretical results that guarantee these algorithms’ performance. With these contributions in place, major barriers in making this model practical and applicable were removed, and sparsity and redundancy became central, leading to state-of-the-art results in various disciplines. One of the main beneficiaries of this progress is the field of image processing, where this model has been shown to lead to unprecedented performance in various applications. This book provides a comprehensive view of the topic of sparse and redundant representation modeling, and its use in signal and image processing. It offers a systematic and ordered exposure to the theoretical foundations of this data model, the numerical aspects of the involved algorithms, and the signal and image processing applications that benefit from these advancements. The book is well-written, presenting clearly the flow of the ideas that brought this field of research to its current achievements. It avoids a succession of theorems and proofs by providing an informal description of the analysis goals and building this way the path to the proofs. The applications described help the reader to better understand advanced and up-to-date concepts in signal and image processing. Written as a text-book for a graduate course for engineering students, this book can also be used as an easy entry point for readers interested in stepping into this field, and for others already active in this area that are interested in expanding their understanding and knowledge.