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Based on the thesis "Database Thesis of Stray Animal Rescue Platform Based on SpringBoot Vue.docx", this 1500-word Chinese description summarizes the following discourse:
With the increasing awareness of animal and environmental protection, the rescue and protection of stray animals involve multiple aspects, including health, hygiene, and urban appearance. Stray animal protection is a global issue, and different countries and regions have implemented various methods to solve the problem of stray animals. As people's attention to the rescue of stray animals grows, a variety of stray animal rescue organizations have emerged, including stray animal donations, stray animal adoptions, and stray animal shelters. However, there is still much room for improvement in promoting ways and behaviors for the rescue of stray animals. The information content about the rescue of stray animals is relatively limited, and there is no corresponding platform for promotion. Therefore, a systematic platform is needed to help consolidate and promote information about the rescue of stray animals, as well as to facilitate the operation of a systematic and standardized rescue process. In response to the current needs of stray animal rescue, a platform for stray animal rescue is developed and designed using VUE, SpringBoot, Java, and Eclipse development tools. The platform provides functions such as displaying stray animal information, showcasing volunteer activities, facilitating online animal adoptions, and online fundraising. The Mysql database is used to store and manage backend data information. The platform enables the sharing of stray animal rescue information and facilitates the occurrence of rescue actions through the extensive coverage and dissemination capabilities of online platforms. It also provides a platform for more caring individuals to view online information and apply, thereby promoting the progress of animal protection and creating a harmonious social environment.
Keywords: SpringBoot, Vue, Java language, stray animal adoption application, fundraising.
Note: The abstract is provided in both English and Chinese.

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