
0 下载量 187 浏览量 更新于2024-04-13 收藏 379KB DOC 举报
The rapid development and extensive application of microcomputer measurement and control technology, the research and application of temperature acquisition and control systems based on single-chip microcontrollers have greatly improved the level of temperature control in production and daily life. This design discusses a temperature control system based on the STC89C52 single-chip microcontroller as the main control unit and the DS18B20 temperature sensor. The control system can real-time store relevant temperature data and record the current time. The system includes hardware circuit design and related application programs. The hardware circuit mainly includes the STC89C52 single-chip microcontroller minimum system, temperature measurement circuit, real-time clock circuit, LCD display circuit, and communication module circuit. The system program includes main program, temperature reading subroutine, temperature calculation subroutine, key processing program, LCD display program, and data storage program, etc. This design aims to improve the temperature control level in production and daily life through the application of single-chip microcontrollers and temperature sensors. Key words: STC89C52 single-chip microcontroller; DS18B20; display circuit.