IEEE Std 802.1Qcx-2020
IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Bridges and Bridged Networks
Amendment 33: YANG Data Model for Connectivity Fault Management
Copyright © 2020 IEEE. All rights reserved.
The CFM objects (e.g., cfm-stack, configuration-error-list, default-md-level, maintenance-domain)
reference the device (i.e., Bridge and/or Bridge Component) to which they belong. This reference allows
CFM objects to be associated with other types of devices (e.g., non-Bridges, end stations) where
The Maintenance Group is modeled as a list that contains a convenient reference to a Maintenance
Association object and its corresponding Maintenance Domain object. The identification of this collection
of objects allows other CFM objects to more easily attach to a maintenance group and, in turn, simplifies
configuration and operation retrieval procedures supported by the data model.
As illustrated in Figure 48-12, MEP objects reference an Interface and are associated with a Maintenance
Group. The interface relationship allows a MEP to be associated with a Bridge port, as specified by this
standard. This model also allows MEPs to be associated with other Interface types (for other devices).
Figure 48-12—CFM MEP model relationships
Figure 48-12—CFM MEP model relationships
na m e
str i ng na me; // r-w
string description; // r-w
if-type type; // r-w
bo ol en ab led; // r-w
enum link-up-down-trap-en able; // r-w
enum admin-status; // r
enum oper-status; // r
date-time last-change; // r
int3 2 if-index; // r
address phys-address; // r
if-ref * h igher-laye r-if; // r
if-ref * lower-layer-if; // r
guage6 4 speed; // r
str i ng com p one nt- na m e; // r-w
int pvid; // (12.10.1) r-w
int default-priority; // (12.6.2) r-w
struct priority-regeneration-ta ble; // (12.6 .2 , 6.9.4 ) r-w
enum pcp-selection ; // (1 2.6.2 , 6. 9.3 ) r-w
struct pcp-decoding-table; // (12.6.2) r-w
struct pcp-encoding-table; // (12.6.2) r-w
bool use-dei; // (1 2.6.2 , 6.9.3 ) r-w
bo ol dr op-en cod ing; // (1 2.6 .2 , 8. 6.6 ) r-w
enum service-acce ss-priority-selection ; // (1 2.6.2 , 6.13 ) r-w
struct service-access-priori ty; // (1 2.6.2 , 6.13 .1) r-w
struct traf fi c-class; // (12.6 .3 , 8.6.6 ) r-w
en um acce pt able -fr am e; // (1 2.1 0. 1.3 , 6 .9) r -w
bool enable-ingress-filtering; // (1 2.10. 1.4, 8 .6.2) r-w
bool enable-restricted-vlan-regist ra tion; // (1 2.10. 1.6, 1 1.2.3. 2.3) r-w
bo ol en ab le-v i d-tr an sl ation -ta ble; // (1 2.1 0. 1.8 , 6 .9) r -w
bool enable-egress-vid-translation-table; // (1 2.10. 1.9 , 6 .9) r-w
struct protocol-group-vid-set; // ( r-w
int ad min-po i nt-to- po int; // (6 .8. 2, 12. 4.2 ) r-w
bool protoco l-ba sed-vlan-classificat ion; // (5 .4. 1.2 ) r
int max-vid-set -entries; // (1 r
int port-number; // (1 3.25, 12 .4. 2, 1 2. 3.i) r
enum port-type; // (1 2.4.2 .1) r
m acAd dr ess ad dress; // (1 2.4 .2 ) r
bits capabilities; // (12.4.2, r
bits typ e-capabilitie s; // (1 2.4.2 ) r
bool ext ernal; // (12.4 .2 ) r
bool oper-point-to-point; // (1 2.4.2 ) r
po rt
maint ena nce -gr o up
str ing maint enance-gro up-id; // r-w
string md-id; // r-w
string ma-id; // r-w
str uct service-id; // (12.1 4. 5.3.2) r-w
ref bridge-id; // r-w
ref component-name // r-w
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