"信号与系统教学课件:第二章 线性时不变系统 ppt概要"

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Chapter 2 of the Signal and Systems teaching course introduces the concept of Linear Time-Invariant Systems (LTI). LTI systems are characterized by their properties of linearity and time invariance, which have important implications in signal processing and communication systems. The chapter begins by discussing discrete-time LTI systems, focusing on the convolution sum. This mathematical operation allows us to analyze how a system responds to an input signal over time. By representing discrete-time signals in terms of impulses, we can better understand the behavior of LTI systems. One key concept introduced in the chapter is the unit impulse response of an LTI system. When the input signal is a unit impulse, the output signal is equal to the unit impulse response. This relationship can be represented using the convolution sum, which provides a way to calculate the output of an LTI system for any given input signal. Overall, Chapter 2 of the Signal and Systems course provides a comprehensive overview of LTI systems and their characteristics. By studying these concepts, students can gain a deeper understanding of signal processing and system analysis, laying a solid foundation for more advanced topics in the field.