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c mechanism algorithm (referred to as EM algorithm) is a new type of population-based heuristic algorithm proposed by Birbil and Fang in 2002, inspired by the repulsive and attractive effects between charged particles in an electromagnetic field. Its idea is to simulate the repulsion and attraction mechanism between charged particles in an electromagnetic field, and through certain criteria, make each particle move towards the optimal solution, thus finding the optimal solution to the problem. This article introduces the class electromagnetic mechanism algorithm, improves the local search method of the algorithm based on its basic framework, redefines the formula for calculating the total force, and introduces a mutation operator to accelerate the convergence of the algorithm. According to the numerical experimental results of the standard test functions, these improvements speed up the optimization speed of the algorithm without affecting the results, and improve the optimization efficiency of the algorithm. In addition, for general constrained optimization problems, the maximum entropy method is used to simplify the constraints, and a penalty function is designed to transform it into an unconstrained problem. Then, the improved class electromagnetic algorithm is used to optimize the constrained optimization standard test problems, and satisfactory results are obtained, indicating that the improved class electromagnetic mechanism algorithm can also be used to solve optimization problems under general constraints.
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