Fig. 3. The ACS algorithm.
probability with which ant in city chooses to move to the
is the pheromone, is the inverse of the
, is the set of cities that remain to be
visited by ant
positioned on city (to make the solution
feasible), and
is a parameter which determines the relative
importance of pheromone versus distance
In (1) we multiply the pheromone on edge
by the
corresponding heuristic value
. In this way we favor the
choice of edges which are shorter and which have a greater
amount of pheromone.
In ant system, the global updating rule is implemented as
follows. Once all ants have built their tours, pheromone is
updated on all edges according to
if tour done by ant
is a pheromone decay parameter, is the length
of the tour performed by ant
, and is the number of ants.
Pheromone updating is intended to allocate a greater amount
of pheromone to shorter tours. In a sense, this is similar to
a reinforcement learning scheme [2], [26] in which better
solutions get a higher reinforcement (as happens, for exam-
ple, in genetic algorithms under proportional selection). The
pheromone updating formula was meant to simulate the change
in the amount of pheromone due to both the addition of new
pheromone deposited by ants on the visited edges and to
pheromone evaporation.
Pheromone placed on the edges plays the role of a dis-
tributed long-term memory: this memory is not stored locally
within the individual ants, but is distributed on the edges of
the graph. This allows an indirect form of communication
called stigmergy [9], [23]. The interested reader will find a
full description of ant system, of its biological motivations,
and computational results in [12].
Although ant system was useful for discovering good or
optimal solutions for small TSP’s (up to 30 cities), the time
required to find such results made it infeasible for larger
problems. We devised three main changes to improve its
performance which led to the definition of the ACS, presented
in the next section.
The ACS differs from the previous ant system because
of three main aspects: i) the state transition rule provides a
direct way to balance between exploration of new edges and
exploitation of a priori and accumulated knowledge about the
problem, ii) the global updating rule is applied only to edges
which belong to the best ant tour, and iii) while ants construct
a solution a local pheromone updating rule (local updating
rule, for short) is applied.
Informally, the ACS works as follows:
ants are initially
positioned on
cities chosen according to some initialization
rule (e.g., randomly). Each ant builds a tour (i.e., a feasible
solution to the TSP) by repeatedly applying a stochastic greedy
rule (the state transition rule). While constructing its tour, an
ant also modifies the amount of pheromone on the visited
edges by applying the local updating rule. Once all ants have
terminated their tour, the amount of pheromone on edges is
modified again (by applying the global updating rule). As
was the case in ant system, ants are guided, in building their
tours, by both heuristic information (they prefer to choose
short edges) and by pheromone information. An edge with
a high amount of pheromone is a very desirable choice. The
pheromone updating rules are designed so that they tend to
give more pheromone to edges which should be visited by
ants. The ACS algorithm is reported in Fig. 3. In the following
we discuss the state transition rule, the global updating rule,
and the local updating rule.
A. ACS State Transition Rule
In the ACS the state transition rule is as follows: an ant
positioned on node
chooses the city to move to by applying
the rule given by (3)
if exploitation
otherwise biased exploration