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Adaptive Failure Compensation Control for Uncertain
Systems With Stochastic Actuator Failures
Huijin Fan, Bing Liu, Yindong Shen, and Wei Wang
Abstract—In this technical note, an adaptive failure compensation
problem has been studied for a class of nonlinear uncertain systems
subject to stochastic actuator failures an d unknown parameters. T he
stochastic functions related to Markovian variables have been introduced
to denote the failure scaling factors for each actuators which is much
more practical and ch allenging. Firstly, by taking into account of the
Markovian variables existing in the sy s tem , some preliminary knowledges
have been establi shed. Then, by employing backstepping strategy, an
adaptive failure compensation control scheme has been proposed, which
ensures the boundedness in probability of all the closed-loop signals in the
presence of stochastic actuato r failures. A simulation example is presented
to show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
Index Terms—Adaptive control, backstepping, failure compensation,
Markovian variables, stochastic actuator failures.
Actuator failure is usually encountered in practical systems [1]–[4],
i.e., fl ight control systems, networked control systems and so on. Such
unexpected actuator failure may degrade the system performance,
render the instability of the closed-loop system, or even worse, lead
to catastrophic accidents. To increase system reliability and security,
it is significantly important to design failure compensation scheme,
which compensates the actuator failure and maintains the performance
of the closed-loop system. Different actuator failure compensation
approaches have been proposed in literatures; see, for example, mul-
tiple-mode designs [5], fault detection and diagnosis-based designs [6],
eigenstructure assignment [7], sliding mode control-based scheme [8]
and adaptive methods [9]–[13]. Among which, adaptive-based failure
Manuscript received August 31, 2012; revised March 07, 2013 and July 23,
2013; accepted October 15, 2013. Date of publication October 24, 2013; date
of current version February 19, 2014. This work was supported by the Na-
tional Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61174079, 61034006,
61203081, and 61203068. Recommended by Associate Editor P. Shi.
H. Fan is with the Key Laboratory o f Image Processing and Intelligent Con -
trol, School of Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Wuhan 430074, China (e-mail: ehjfan@mail.hust.edu.cn).
B. Liu and Y. Shen are with the Key L abor a tory of Image Processing and
Intelligent Control, School of Automation, Huazhong University of Science
and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China (e-mail: lbhust621@126.com; yin-
W. Wang is with Department of Automation, Tsingh ua University, Beijing
100084, China (e-mail: w wang28@tsinghua.edu.cn).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
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