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This paper mainly introduces the design of a multi-functional counter based on the MCS-51 series single chip. Through a simple explanation, the paper explains how to achieve counting function and provides a concise description of the hardware schematic and program block diagram.
The design includes eight modules: power supply module, single chip control module, signal forward channel processing module, keyboard, LCD display module, analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion module, voice broadcasting module, and temperature and clock module. Among them, the single-chip control module, with the 51 series single chip as the core, realizes the programmable control of the multi-functional counter, and can measure the period, frequency, and time interval. At the same time, the system can display and broadcast the measurement results, clock, temperature, and amplitude of the measured signal through LCD display and voice broadcasting.
This design thesis mainly includes the system plan, component selection, system theoretical analysis, hardware design, software design, system debugging, and major technical performance parameters. Based on these contents, the paper comprehensively demonstrates the design of the single-chip multi-functional counter system through detailed introduction and analysis.
Keywords: multi-functional, period, frequency, time interval, measurement, voice broadcasting
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