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"Apress.Getting to Know Vue.js" 是一本专为初学者设计的教程,旨在帮助读者掌握Vue.js框架,构建单页应用。作者Brett Nelson从零开始引导读者学习如何利用Vue.js进行高效的代码组织,特别是如何渲染列表,避免代码冗余。书中涵盖了Vue的核心概念,如组件化开发、状态管理以及路由设置。 在学习过程中,读者将学会如何使用构建工具,例如将Vue代码转换为ES5,以便在不同环境中兼容。这一步非常重要,因为Vue.js基于现代JavaScript特性,而并非所有浏览器都直接支持其最新版本。通过构建工具,开发者能够确保其代码能够在广泛的用户设备上运行。 书中还将深入探讨如何创建自定义组件,这是Vue.js架构中的关键部分。组件是可重用的代码模块,封装了特定功能或UI元素,使得代码结构清晰,易于维护。通过组合和复用组件,开发者可以提高开发效率,降低维护成本。 此外,作者还会介绍如何运用条件渲染技术,即根据数据状态来控制哪些部分的UI应当显示或隐藏,这是响应式编程的核心概念。事件处理也是书中的重点,包括Vue提供的API如v-on指令,用于监听和响应用户交互。 状态管理是大型应用不可或缺的部分,"Getting to Know Vue.js"可能会介绍Vuex,这是一个专门为Vue设计的状态管理模式,它允许在应用程序中集中管理共享状态,确保数据一致性。 最后,路由管理也是本书会涵盖的主题,如何使用Vue Router设置应用程序的不同视图和导航逻辑,使用户能够流畅地在不同页面间切换。 这本书不仅提供理论知识,还包含丰富的实践案例和实战项目,适合希望通过Vue.js入门或提升技能的开发者阅读。通过跟随书中的指导,读者将建立起扎实的Vue.js基础,并能够迅速应用到实际项目中去。无论是个人学习还是团队协作,都能从中受益良多。
2018-09-02 上传
Learn how to render lists of items without repeating your code structure and how to work with conditional rendering items and event handling. Containing all you need to know to get started with Vue.js, this book will take you through using build tools (transpile to ES5), creating custom components, state management, and routers. With Getting to Know Vue.js, you’ll see how to combine reusable code with custom components, allowing you to create snippets of reusable code to suit your specific business needs. You’ll also explore how to use Single File Components and the Vue.js Command Line Interface (CLI) to build components in a single file and add in build tools as you see fit. Getting started with a new Single Page Application (SPA) JavaScript framework can be an overwhelming task, but Vue.js makes this daunting task simple and easy to learn, allowing you to start implementing business needs with just a script reference to the library and the custom JavaScript required for your use case. Starting with a little reference and a handful of lines of custom JavaScript, you will have a complete Single Page Application before you know it. What You’ll Learn Examine Vue.js templating syntax Work with binding methods Manage the state of your app by comparing your options of building a data store Adapt the more robust options compatible with Vue.js Review different router options, including creating your own router, using the Vue-router and using Page.js. Who This Book Is For Software developers with an understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript; prior understanding of a Single Page Application framework would be useful but not essential.
2018-09-13 上传
Learn how to render lists of items without repeating your code structure and how to work with conditional rendering items and event handling. Containing all you need to know to get started with Vue.js, this book will take you through using build tools (transpile to ES5), creating custom components, state management, and routers. With Getting to Know Vue.js, you’ll see how to combine reusable code with custom components, allowing you to create snippets of reusable code to suit your specific business needs. You’ll also explore how to use Single File Components and the Vue.js Command Line Interface (CLI) to build components in a single file and add in build tools as you see fit. Getting started with a new Single Page Application (SPA) JavaScript framework can be an overwhelming task, but Vue.js makes this daunting task simple and easy to learn, allowing you to start implementing business needs with just a script reference to the library and the custom JavaScript required for your use case. Starting with a little reference and a handful of lines of custom JavaScript, you will have a complete Single Page Application before you know it. What You’ll Learn Examine Vue.js templating syntax Work with binding methods Manage the state of your app by comparing your options of building a data store Adapt the more robust options compatible with Vue.js Review different router options, including creating your own router, using the Vue-router and using Page.js. Who This Book Is For Software developers with an understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript; prior understanding of a Single Page Application framework would be useful but not essential.