"RS232接收器带±15kV ESD保护的TRS3222E.pdf文档详解"
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The TI-TRS3222E is a high-performance RS-232 transceiver with ±15kV ESD protection, designed for applications requiring reliable communication over serial connections. This multi-channel driver and receiver operates on a 3V to 5.5V power supply and meets the requirements of TIA/EIA-232-F and ITU v.28 standards. With high-speed rates of up to 500kbit/s, the TRS3222E is suitable for industrial PCs, wired networks, data centers, laptops, and handheld devices.
The TRS3222E features two drivers, two receivers, and a dual charge pump circuit, providing robust protection against ESD events up to ±15kV. It also includes external capacitors for enhanced performance and compatibility with 5V logic inputs and 3.3V power sources. The low standby current of 1μA ensures efficient power consumption, making it ideal for applications requiring energy efficiency.
In summary, the TI-TRS3222E is a versatile RS-232 transceiver with reliable ESD protection, high-speed communication capabilities, and low power consumption. Its compact design and compatibility with various devices make it a suitable choice for a wide range of industrial, networking, and portable applications. With its advanced features and performance, the TRS3222E provides a reliable and efficient solution for communication needs in demanding environments.
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2023-01-31 上传
2023-01-31 上传
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2023-01-31 上传

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