Turbo PMAC User Manual
4 Turbo PMAC Family Overview
What Turbo PMAC Does
Turbo PMAC can handle all of the tasks required for machine control, constantly switching back and
forth between the different tasks thousands of times per second. The major tasks involved in machine
control are summarized here.
Executing Motion Programs
The most obvious task of Turbo PMAC is executing sequences of motions given to it in a motion
program. When told to execute a motion program, Turbo PMAC works through the program one move at
a time, performing all the calculations up to that move command (including non-motion tasks) to prepare
for actual execution of the move. Turbo PMAC is always working ahead of the actual move in progress,
so it can blend properly into the upcoming move, if required. See the Writing a Motion Program section
for more details.
Executing PLC Programs
The sequential nature of motion program suits it well for commanding a series of moves and other
coordinated actions; however these programs are not good at performing actions that are not directly
coordinated with the sequence of motions. For these types of tasks, Turbo PMAC provides the capability
for users to write “PLC programs.” These are named after Programmable Logic Controllers because they
operate in a similar manner, continually scanning through their operations as fast as processor time
allows. These programs are very useful for any task that is asynchronous to the motion sequences. See
the Writing a PLC Program section for more details.
Servo Loop Update
In an automatic task that is essentially invisible to the Turbo PMAC user, Turbo PMAC performs a servo
update for each motor at a fixed frequency (usually around 2 kHz). The servo update for a motor consists
of incrementing the commanded position (if necessary) according the equations generated by the motion
program or other motion command, comparing this to the actual position as read from the feedback
sensor, and computing a command output based on the difference. This task occurs automatically without
the need for any explicit commands. See the Setting up the Servo Loop section for more details.
Commutation Update
If Turbo PMAC is requested to perform the commutation for a multiphase motor, it will perform
commutation updates automatically at a fixed frequency (usually around 9 kHz). The commutation, or
phasing, update for a motor consists of measuring and/or estimating the rotor magnetic field orientation,
then apportioning the command that was calculated by the servo update among the different phases of the
motor. This task occurs automatically without the need for any explicit commands. See the Setting up
Commutation section for more details.
Turbo PMAC regularly and automatically performs housekeeping tasks that make sure the system is in
good working order. These tasks include the safety checks, such as following error limits, hardware
overtravel limits, software overtravel limits, and amplifier faults, plus general status updates. They also
include the update of the watchdog timer. If any problem in hardware or software keeps these tasks from
executing, the watchdog timer will trip, and the card will shut down. See the Making an Application Safe
section for more details.
Communicating with the Host
Turbo PMAC can communicate with one or more host computers at any time, even in the middle of a
sequence of motions. Turbo PMAC will accept a command, and take the appropriate action – putting the
command in a program buffer for later execution, providing a data response to the host, starting a motor
move, etc. If the command is illegal, it will report an error to the host.