
需积分: 0 0 下载量 119 浏览量 更新于2024-03-24 收藏 1.27MB PDF 举报
Goldman Sachs recently published a report titled "Where Are We in the Market Cycle?" in which they discuss the current position of the global macroeconomic landscape. The report highlights that risk assets have rebounded significantly from the losses experienced in the previous year. Despite this recovery, market sentiment appears to be less optimistic than it was a year ago. Investors are advised to consider the information provided in the report as just one of many factors when making investment decisions. It is important to take into account all available data and disclosures before making any investment choices. The report also includes a disclosure appendix for further reference. Overall, the report suggests that while risk assets have shown resilience and recovered from past losses, there is still some caution and restraint in market sentiment. The exact position in the market cycle is difficult to pinpoint, but it is clear that there is a degree of uncertainty and hesitation among investors. It is crucial for investors to remain vigilant and stay informed in order to navigate the current market landscape successfully.