Journal of Chongqing University: English Edition
Vol. 6 No. 1
March 2007
Article ID: 1671-8224(2007)01- 0055-08
To cite this article: Zhou Ming-gang, Huang Qi-bai, Wang Yong, Xu Zhi-sheng. Non-linear 2-DOF model and centre manifold theory to study limit cycle
oscillations caused by drum-brake judder [J]. J Chongqing Univ: Eng Ed (ISSN 1671-8224), 2007, 6 (1): 55-62.
Non-linear 2-DOF model and centre manifold theory to study limit cycle
oscillations caused by drum-brake judder
ZHOU Ming-gang
, HUANG Qi-bai, WANG Yong, XU Zhi-sheng
School of Mechanical Science & Engineering, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan 430074, P. R. China
Received 30 April 2006; revised 20 June 2006
Abstract: This paper presents the research on the laws of systematic-parameter dependent variation in the vibration
amplitude of drum-brake limit cycle oscillations (LCO). We established a two-degree non-linear dynamic model to describe the
low-frequency vibration of the drum brake, applied the centre manifold theory to simplify the system, and obtained the LCO
amplitude by calculating the normal form of the simplified system at the Hopf bifurcation point. It is indicated that when the
friction coefficient is smaller than the friction coefficient at the bifurcation point, the amplitude decreases; whereas with a
friction coefficient larger than the friction coefficient of bifurcation point, LCO occurs. The results suggest that it is applicable to
suppress the LCO amplitude by changing systematic parameters, and thus improve the safety and ride comfort when applying
brake. These findings can be applied to guiding the design of drum brakes.
Keywords: drum brake; non-linear; bifurcation; limit cycle oscillation
CLC number: TB53 Document code: A
1 Introduction
The drum brake is widely used on road vehicles,
particularly trucks and large-and-medium-scale
passenger trains. However, a poorly designed drum
brake may produce quick friction-element aging,
strong self-excited vibration, harsh squeal, etc. during
braking. This kind of self-excited vibration can be a
main cause of ride discomfort, a reduced service life,
loss of control and even a catastrophe. Hence efficient
control of brake vibration is very important to
automobile engineering.
The brake, no matter drum or disk, is a relatively
complicated dynamic systems involving a number of
structural parameters. Researchers have proposed
many successful models for studying brake vibration,
ZHOU Ming-gang (周明刚): Male; Born 1969; PhD
candidate; Research interest: control of nonlinear of vibration
and noise; E-mail: zhoumg69@hotmail.com
Funded by the Natural Science Foundation of China (No.
such as stick-slip model, variable dynamic model of
friction coefficient, sprag-slip model [1-2], and
closed-loop coupling structure model [3]. The first
two models are based on the principle that the friction
coefficient changes with relative sliding speed,
whereas the other two address the stability through
constraints and coupling mechanism within the
system. Early research mostly focused on the
tribological property analyzing with the first two
models. Spurr [2] analyzed disk-brake vibration with
the sprag-slip model. Chen Xiao-yue [3] explained the
self-excited low-frequency vibration of drum brake by
closed-loop coupling structure model.
Brake judder is a typical low-frequency self-excited
vibration of the vehicle structure caused by friction.
Judder is transmitted to the automobile body through
the chassis. It produces Hopf-bifurcation, limit cycle
oscillation (LCO) and chaos phenomena [4-7] owing
to its non-linear characteristics. It is sensed by a
passenger mainly from the vibration of the brake
pedal, the redirector, the front instrument board, etc.
In this study, the judder was in the range of (10 to
100) Hz, and was simulated by a 2-DOF non-linear
Mechanical Engineering