High-Efficiency Periodic Sparse Microstrip A rray
Based on Mutual Coupling
Shi-Wei Qu, Senior Member, IEEE, Chi Hou Chan, Fellow, IEEE, Ming-Yao Xia, Senior Member, IEEE,and
Zaiping Nie, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—In this paper, a novel idea to reduce the number of
e elements in a large periodic array is presented and demon-
strated firstly by an
-plane microstrip array. High aperture
efficiency can be achieved by making use of mutual coupling
tween array elements, and then the total production cost of
the array is greatly decreased by reducing the number of active
array elements and associated components. A simple way to
control the mutual coupling of the microstrip array is given as an
example in this paper. Simulations and measurements show that
when the active element spacing is as large as
( is the
free-space wavelength at the operating frequency), a
18.3 dB
side lobe level (SLL) and an approximately equal apertu re effi-
ciency can be achieved. No obvious performance degradations are
found compared to a conventional array w ith half the element
and an identical total size. Then, simulations
and measurements of an
-plane sparse array are given based
on the same idea, followed by the simulated results of a planar
two-dimensional (2-D) one.
Index Terms—Antenna arrays, microstrip antennas, mutual
coupling, sparse array, thinned array.
NNA arrays are the most useful category of antennas
in comm unication systems because they can provide high
directivity, very narrow beam, large aperture efficiency and a va-
ety of radiation patterns. Generally speaking, different appli-
cations require different topologies of array systems, and some
functional components associated with each element are also
fferent for transmitting or receiving purposes. In most cases,
several RF/m icrowave components, e.g., bandpass filters, T/R
modules, phase s hi fters, low-noise amplifiers or power am pli-
rs, are connected to the array elements for signal reception
and processing or sig nal g e neratio n and transmission. Most of
total cost and weight of the array are often attributed to these
omponents, instead of the array elements themselves, so obvi-
ously the more the elem e nts in an array, the larger the produc-
tion cost and weight are [1]. Thus, reducing the element number
Manuscript received February 19, 2012; revised August 04, 2012; accepted
December 15, 2012. Date of publication December 19, 2012; date of current
version April 03, 2013. This work was supported in part by the Natural Science
Foundation of China (NSFC) Project under Grant 61101036, Grant 61231001,
Grant 60931004, and Grant 61201002, and by the Fundamental Research Funds
for the Central Universities under Grant ZYGX2010J028 .
S.-W. Qu, M.-Y. Xia, and Z.-P. Nie are with the School of Electronic Engi-
neering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC),
Chengdu 611731, China (e-mail: dyon.qu@gmail.com).
C. H. Chan is with the Departmen t of Electronic Engineering, City University
of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
ital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2012.2235397
naturally becomes a straightforward method toward a lower cost
Sparse or thinned arrays, generally aperiodic, are one of the
most classical exam ples with reduced element number. Design
of a lar
ge aperiodic sparse array is g enerally ba sed on some
complicated optimization method for the desired e lectrical
performances, e.g., alm ost difference sets [2], particle swarm
zation [3], convex optimization [4], Bayesian com pres-
sive sampling [5], matr ix pencil method [6], and cross-entropy
method [7]. Moreover, they are often difficult to build in prac-
tice d
ue to their customary aperiodicity. On the other hand,
for a period ic arrangemen t over an identical aperture, fewer
elements means a larger element spacing, consequently causin g
er side lobe level (SLL) and lower aperture efficiency, es-
pecially as the element spacing is over
( is the free-space
wavelength at the operating frequency).
In the
past decades, several attempts were made to build
another type of arrays with reduced number o f feeding ports
(or active elements) fo r high-gain operation, e.g., the fam ous
Uda antenna with endfire radiation patterns [8], employ-
ment of a metamaterial superstrate w ith a relative permittivity
close to zero [9], [10], and a patch antenna loaded with arti-
l magnetic conductor surfaces [11]. Although high-gain
characteristics and a simple structure with only o ne feedin g
port are achieved, possibilities of their potential applications in
espread phased arrays are reduced to the lowest l evel.
In [12], another attempt was made to overcome the above
mentioned difficulties. Reljic et al. presented an idea to build
dside antenna arrays with passive elements based upo n sim-
ilar idea to the Yagi–Uda antenna. I n that paper, currents on the
passive dipole elements can be indirectly induced by tun ing the
ance between the array and the ground plane, equivalent to
adjusting the mutual coupling between the active and passive
elements. However, the profile of the presented array in [12]
uld be tuned to as large as
for the largest aperture ef-
ficiency and broadside beam, meanwhile the whole array struc-
ture is not given. In [13], two passive microstrip elements are
nected to t w o active ones by slotline stubs in a c i rcu larly
polarized 4-element linear array, thus the passive elements can
be indirectly fed by the energy coupled from the active ones,
using simple structure and less loss in feeding network. How-
ever, it su ffers from a small op er ating bandwidth and little possi-
bility of beam scanning. Meanwhile, only linear arrays were re-
rted, and no two-dimensional (2-D) array can be found based
on sim ilar idea so far to the au tho rs’ knowledge.
In our previous works [14], a novel microstrip array is pre-
ted, and active and passive elements are staggered linearly
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