Passively Q-switched S-band thulium fluoride fiberlaser
with multi-walled carbon nanotube
H. Ahmad* and S. A. Reduan
Photonics Research Centre, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia
*Corresponding author: harith@um.edu.my
Received October 7, 2017; accepted December 1, 2017; posted online January 2, 2018
A stable, passively Q-switched thulium fluoride fiber laser (TFFL) using a multi-walled carbon nanotube
(MWCNT)-based saturable absorber (SA) for operation in the S-band region is proposed and demonstrated.
The proposed TFFL has a central lasing wavelength of 1486.4 nm and an input power range of 87.1–126.6 mW.
The output pulses have a repetition rate and pulse width range of 30.1–40.0 kHz and 9.0–3.2 μs, respectively,
with a maximum pulse energy of 28.9 nJ. This is the first time, to the author’s knowledge, of the successful
demonstration of a passively Q-switched S-band TFFL using an MWCNT-based SA.
OCIS codes: 060.0060, 060.2430, 060.4370, 140.3510, 140.3540.
doi: 10.3788/COL201816.010609.
Recently, increased demands for information capacity
and bandwidth have incurred significant limitations on
existing communications infrastru cture. Among the key
reasons for this is the over-dependence on the C-band
of optical fiber systems
. As such, substantial research
efforts are now focused toward exploiting the L-band
1.0 μm
, and 2.0 μm
regions to increase bandwidth
availability. Furthermore, recent developments have also
seen the exploration of the S-band as a viable region for
expanding the current communications bandwidth to
cater to this increasing demand
In communication systems particularly, pulsed sources
operating at different bandwidths are crucial for the trans-
mission of data. In this regard, Q-switched fiber lasers are
highly desired for use in fiber laser systems due to their
compact size, low fabrication, and operating cost as well
as high flexibility
. Additionally, the output generated
by these lasers have longer pulse widths and higher pulse
energies, both of which are desired for communications ap-
, and finds significant applications in optical
imaging, material processing, medicine, and environmen-
tal sensing
Q-switching in fiber lasers can be realized through either
active or passive means. Active Q-switching is achieved by
modulating the output of the laser cavity using an exter-
nal device, giving a high degree of control over various out-
put parameters such the repetition rate and pulse width
However, this technique requires complex electronics,
significantly increasing the size and cost of the laser
Passive Q-switching on the other hand offers less control
over the outp ut parameters, but is advantageous in terms
of its compact form factor, low-cost, and flexibility of
operation, thereby making them a preferred solution for
many real-world operations
One of the earliest means of generating passively
Q-switched pulses was the use of semicon ductor saturable
absorber mirrors (SESAMs)
. While initially suitable
for obtaining the desired output, its difficult integration
into most fiber cavity designs, as well as limited band-
width and high fabrication cost
, spurred researchers
to explore new means to generate passively Q-switched
pulses. Research efforts thus begin to focus on saturable
absorbers (SAs) and the discovery of 2D materials such
as single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) provided
a significant breakthrough in the search for new SA ma-
. This encouraged researchers to search for new
SA-capable materials, including graphene
and more
recently transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs)
topological insulators (TIs)
, and even exotic materials
such as black phosphorus
. Recent advances have also
seen the development of multi-walled carbon nanotubes
as SA materials, owing to their good ther-
mal characteristics and higher mechanical strength as well
as a better thermal stability and high photon absorption
per nanotube efficiency due to the high multi-walls mass
. This high density also affords MWCNTs a
higher thermal damage threshold as the outer walls can
protect the inner walls from damage or oxidation
In this work, a passively Q-switched thulium-fluoride
fiber laser (TFFL) operating in the S-band region and
incorporating an MWCNT-based SA is proposed and
demonstrated. To date, there have been only a few pas-
sively Q-switched fiber lasers in the S-band region re-
ported, and even fewer that operate at the shorter
wavelength range of the S-band region. It must be noted
that while there have been previou s works using erbium-
doped fibers (EDFs)
and depressed-cladding EDFs
as gain media in generating S-band pulsed
laser outputs with the assistance of SAs, most of these la-
sers are only capable of partial S-band operation, and re-
quire the aid of tunable bandpass filters (TBPFs). In this
work however, the combination of the thulium-fluoride
fiber (TFF) as a gain medium and MWCNT-based SA
has significant potential to generate passively Q-switched
pulses in the S-band region, with the use of the TFF giving
a large operational bandwidth from 1440 to 1500 nm.
COL 16(1), 010609(2018) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS January 10, 2018
1671-7694/2018/010609(5) 010609-1 © 2018 Chinese Optics Letters