/Pt Analog Synapse for
Memristive Neural Network
Yi Sun , Hui Xu, Chao Wang, Bing Song , Haijun Liu, Qi Liu , Sen Liu, and Qingjiang Li
— Electronicsynapsewithpreciseanalogweight
tuning ability and long-term retention is the vital device
foundation of memristor-based neuromorphic computing
systems. In this letter, we propose a Ti/AlO
/Pt mem-
ristor as an analog synapse for memristive neural network
applications. The device shows high uniformity, excellent
analog switching behaviors (up to 200 resistance states
under triangle pulses) and excellent long-term retention of
eachstate (up to 30 000 s). Furthermore, the precise modula-
tion of the device resistance state (with 1.7% tolerance) can
also be achieved by a finer writing program within 50 cycles.
Index Terms
— Neuromorphic computing, memristor,
analog synapse, long-term retention.
EUROMORPHIC computing based on memristive neural
networks has attracted significant interest due to its
high scalability, massive parallelism and the excellent abil-
ity of fault tolerance [1]–[4]. Recently, various applications,
such as pattern classification [2], [5], [6], sparse coding [7],
face recognition [8] and analog signal processing [9] have
already been implemented on memristive synapse arrays. The
core computational operation of these applications is the
reconfigurable analog vector matrix multiplication (VMM),
which can be implemented in memristor crossbars based on
Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s current law [2], [9]. Previous
studies demonstrate that memristors can successfully emulate
the synaptic plasticity (e.g. pair-pulse facilitation, short-term
plasticity, spike timing dependent plasticity and spike rating
dependent plasticity) [10]–[16]. Nonetheless, little attention
has been paid to enhancing device analog characteristics
and long-term retention property, which are actually more
Manuscript received June 16, 2018; revised July 17, 2018; accepted
July 23, 2018. Date of publication July 26, 2018; date of current version
August 23, 2018. This work was supported in part by the National Nat-
ural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61604177, 61471377,
and 61704191 and in part by the National University of Defense Tech-
nology under Grant JC15-04-02. The review of this letter was arranged
by Editor D. Ha.
(Corresponding authors: Sen Liu; Qingjiang Li.)
Y. Sun, H. Xu, B. Song, H. Liu, S. Liu, and Q. Li are with the Col-
lege of Electronic Science, National University of Defense Technology,
Changsha 410073, China (e-mail: liusen@nudt.edu.cn; qingjiangli@
C. Wang is with the Key Laboratory of Nano Devices and Applications,
Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Suzhou 215123, China.
Q. Liu is with the Key Laboratory of Microelectronics Device and
Integrated Technology, Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LED.2018.2860053
important to achieve valid VMM computation. The analog
switching feature provides the potential to achieve continuous
device states, and the long-term retention is the basis of
read stability and reproducibility, which are all critical to the
accuracy of VMM outputs [9], [17]. Thus, the realization of
excellent analog characteristics and long-term retention prop-
erty is crucial for current neuromorphic computing systems.
In addition, applications like off-line classification require the
precise modulation of the synaptic weight in the crossbar
arrays [7]–[9], [17], so the precise tuning ability of the
memristive synapse is also a pivotal factor.
In this letter, we present a Ti/AlO
/Pt based analog
synapse. Initially, the quasi-DC sweeping results demonstrate
the good uniformity and excellent multilevel characteristics of
the device. The analog tuning ability is further demonstrated
by employing positive (SET) and negative (RESET) pulse
trains with different amplitude and width parameters. Then,
retention test results show the device states can last up
to 30000s, indicating the great long-term retention property.
At last, we prove that the proposed device can be precisely
modulated to the desired arbitrary states (within the error
tolerance) by a designed writing program.
The device has a crossbar structure with 5 μm × 5 μm
resistive area. The Pt (25 nm) bottom electrode was firstly
deposited by electron beam evaporation after the first litho-
graphy process. Then the bi-oxide layers TaO
(5 nm) and
(3 nm) acting as resistive switching (RS) layers were
respectively deposited by electron beam evaporation after
the second lithography process. At last, Ti (30 nm) top
electrode was grown by magnetron sputtering after the third
lithography process, and an Au layer (30 nm) was covered on
Ti layer to avoid oxidation after contact with air.
All the electrical characterization was implemented with
the Keithley 4200s semiconductor parameter analyser. During
the measurements, the voltage was applied on Ti electrode
while the Pt electrode was tied to ground. The transmission
electron microscope (TEM) sample was fabricated by focused
ion beam (FIB), and the thickness in Z direction was reduced
to ∼40 nm to obtain high quality image.
Fig. 1a is the SEM image and cross sectional TEM image
of the Ti/AlO
/Pt device. The resistive area of the
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