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ical analysis is an essential part of studying computer science and programming. In Lecture02, we were introduced to the basics of lexical analysis and syntax analysis. Lexical analysis is the process of analyzing tokens from a given text, while syntax analysis involves analyzing the structure of those tokens to determine if they form a valid syntax. In lexical analysis, we learned about tokenization and the different types of tokens that can be identified, such as identifiers, keywords, operators, and constants. This step is crucial in breaking down the input text into smaller units that can be easily processed by the compiler or interpreter. Syntax analysis, on the other hand, is concerned with parsing the tokens generated by the lexical analyzer to check if they follow a specific grammar or syntax. We discussed the concept of context-free grammars and how they can be used to describe the syntax of a programming language. The syntax analysis tree, also known as a parse tree, is a visual representation of the syntax rules applied to a given input text. It helps programmers and compilers understand the structure of the code and identify any syntax errors. Furthermore, we were introduced to abstract syntax trees (AST), which represent the abstract structure of a program without including all the details found in the parse tree. ASTs are essential in optimizing and analyzing code, as they provide a simplified view of the program that can be used for various purposes. Overall, Lecture02 provided a comprehensive overview of lexical and syntax analysis in programming languages. Understanding these concepts is crucial for writing efficient and error-free code, as well as for developing compilers and interpreters. By mastering lexical and syntax analysis, students can improve their programming skills and gain a deeper understanding of how programming languages work.