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"Management Linear Programming Model Application PPT Learning Lesson Plan.pptx; Accounting and Management Linear Programming Model Application Procurement Strategy Linear Programming Model Application Linear Programming Chapter 3 Page 1 of 47 Example A factory produces two types of products, A and B, which consume three resources, A, B, and C. It is known that the production of one unit of product A requires resources A, B, and C in the amounts of 3, 2, 0 respectively, and the production of one unit of product B requires resources A, B, and C in the amounts of 2, 1, 3 respectively. The available quantities of resources A, B, and C are 65, 40, and 75 respectively. The unit profits of products A and B are 1500 and 2500 respectively. The question is how to arrange the production plan to fully utilize the existing resources and maximize the total profit? Page 2 of 47 Product A Product B Resource Constraints Resource A3265 Resource B2140 Resource C0375 Unit Profit 15002500x2x1 Page 3 of 47 Solution: 1. Determine the decision variables: Let x1 represent the quantity of product A produced; let x2 represent the quantity of product B produced 2. Determine the objective function: The factory's goal is to maximize total profit z=1500;x1+2500;x2."