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资源摘要信息:"query-class-task" 在分析“query-class-task”这一文件内容时,我们需要关注的关键知识点包括:数据库查询语句的基本结构,SQL中的聚合函数MAX()的使用,以及SQL中GROUP BY语句的用法。同时,文件中描述了查询类任务的基本规则和逻辑,以及如何通过测试用例判断查询语句的正确性。以下是对这些知识点的详细说明。 首先,我们来解释标题“query-class-task”所涉及的知识点。在数据库领域,"查询类任务"通常指的是使用结构化查询语言(SQL)从数据库中检索信息的任务。这类任务要求用户具有编写SQL查询语句的能力,以满足从简单数据检索到复杂数据分析的各种需求。 描述中提到的操作包括MAX()函数、加法运算以及GROUP BY语句。MAX()是一个聚合函数,用于返回一组值的最大值。在SQL中,如SELECT MAX(col_1) FROM table语句,表示从名为table的表中选择col_1列的最大值。而SELECT MAX(col_1 + 1) FROM table则表示计算col_1列每行数据值加1后的最大值。 GROUP BY语句用于将结果集按一个或多个列进行分组,通常与聚合函数一起使用。例如,SELECT MAX(col_1) FROM table GROUP BY col_2语句表示首先按照col_2的值对数据进行分组,然后从每个分组中找出col_1的最大值。这说明查询操作不仅限于对全表数据进行聚合计算,还可以针对特定的分组进行聚合计算。 在描述中,通过提供不同的查询语句用例来展示何时查询被认为是正确的。如果相同的查询操作返回相同的输出,那么查询就是正确的。例如,两个相同的查询SELECT MAX(col_1) FROM table是正确的,因为它们针对同一数据执行相同的聚合操作。而像SELECT MAX(col_1 + 1) FROM table和SELECT MAX(col_1 + 2) FROM table这样的查询语句则因为操作数不同而返回不同的结果,所以被认为是错误的。 关于文件中提到的标签“Python”,它意味着这些查询语句或相关的测试用例可能与Python编程语言有关。在实际应用中,Python常常通过诸如SQLite、MySQL等数据库接口来执行SQL查询,或者使用专门的数据处理库(如pandas)来处理SQL查询结果。 最后,提到的文件名“query-class-task-main”可能指的是与这个查询类任务相关的主文件或主模块。该文件可能是用来定义测试用例、执行查询语句、验证查询结果的正确性,或者是用来展示整个查询类任务逻辑的主程序。 综上所述,这段文件内容涉及到了数据库查询语言SQL中的关键概念,特别是聚合函数、加法运算以及分组语句的使用,以及如何通过编写测试用例来验证SQL查询语句的正确性。同时,文件内容暗示了Python编程语言可能在这个过程中发挥的作用。通过理解这些知识点,我们可以更好地构建和验证数据库查询任务,确保它们在处理数据时的正确性和逻辑性。

CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION UUIDUDF AS 'com.haierubic.bigdata.commons.udf.UUIDUDF' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > USING JAR 'oss://datalake-01.cn-beijing.oss-dls.aliyuncs.com/config/bigdata-hiveudf-2.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar'; Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: HiveAccessControlException Permission denied: user [hdop_upbrain] does not have [TEMPUDFADMIN] privilege on [global=uuidudf] (state=42000,code=40000) 0: jdbc:hive2://> CREATE FUNCTION UUIDUDF AS 'com.haierubic.bigdata.commons.udf.UUIDUDF' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > USING JAR 'oss://datalake-01.cn-beijing.oss-dls.aliyuncs.com/config/bigdata-hiveudf-2.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar'; INFO : Compiling command(queryId=hive_20230602122812_92858e15-5136-4e7d-9f51-3020f864aef2): CREATE FUNCTION UUIDUDF AS 'com.haierubic.bigdata.commons.udf.UUIDUDF' USING JAR 'oss://datalake-01.cn-beijing.oss-dls.aliyuncs.com/config/bigdata-hiveudf-2.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar' INFO : Concurrency mode is disabled, not creating a lock manager INFO : Semantic Analysis Completed (retrial = false) INFO : Returning Hive schema: Schema(fieldSchemas:null, properties:null) INFO : Completed compiling command(queryId=hive_20230602122812_92858e15-5136-4e7d-9f51-3020f864aef2); Time taken: 0.067 seconds INFO : Concurrency mode is disabled, not creating a lock manager INFO : Executing command(queryId=hive_20230602122812_92858e15-5136-4e7d-9f51-3020f864aef2): CREATE FUNCTION UUIDUDF AS 'com.haierubic.bigdata.commons.udf.UUIDUDF' USING JAR 'oss://datalake-01.cn-beijing.oss-dls.aliyuncs.com/config/bigdata-hiveudf-2.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar' INFO : Starting task [Stage-0:FUNC] in serial mode INFO : Added [/tmp/b11e4544-4a21-4dcf-87c5-fff8d91021e9_resources/bigdata-hiveudf-2.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar] to class path INFO : Added resources: [oss://datalake-01.cn-beijing.oss-dls.aliyuncs.com/config/bigdata-hiveudf-2.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar] INFO : Completed executing command(queryId=hive_20230602122812_92858e15-5136-4e7d-9f51-3020f864aef2); Time taken: 0.789 seconds INFO : OK INFO : Concurrency mode is disabled, not creating a lock manager No rows affected (0.881 seconds)

2023-06-03 上传

用c++和segment tree解决下述问题Doing Exercises 描述 As we all know, the lines of students doing exercises between classes are always unsatisfactory to teachers. Today, a teacher wants to require something new. Firstly, he lets some students of N classes correspondingly form n lines. Then, he randomly selects a class to add some of its remaining students to its line, or selects a class to let some students leave its line, or lets the monitors from some adjacent classes report the total number of students in all these classes. This is very annoying for the monitors. Can you write a program to help them complete the reporting task? 输入 The first line is an integer T (T<50), the number of test cases. For each test case, its first line is an integer N (1<=N<=50000), representing the number of classes, and its second line include N integers (a1, a2, a3, ... , an), and ai (1<=ai<=100) means the number of students in the line of class i at the beginning. Then, each next line will be an order. There are 4 kinds of orders: (1) "Add x i" means adding x students to the line of class i; (2) "Sub x i" means that x students leave the line of class i; (3) "Query i j" means that the monitors from class i to class j report the teacher the total number (sum) of students in their classes at that moment (i<j); (4) "End" means ending the exercises, which will only appear at the end of each test case. The number of orders will not exceed 40000. The number of students in any line will never below 0. 输出 For each test case, you must print "Case i:" in the first line. Then for each Query, print the result in one line.

2023-06-09 上传