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Summary: This system utilizes the AT89S52 single-chip microcomputer and program design to generate sawtooth wave, sine wave, and square wave, followed by the conversion of digital signals into analog signals through the D/A converter DAC0832. The analog signals are then filtered and amplified before being displayed on the oscilloscope. The system is capable of generating waveforms with frequencies ranging from 1Hz to 3kHz. The user can control the type and frequency of the waveforms through the keyboard, with the selections and values displayed on the 1602 liquid crystal display.
The system is comprised of three main parts: the signal generation section, the A/D conversion section, and the liquid crystal display section. The signal generation section uses single-chip microcomputer program design to produce the three waveforms, while the A/D conversion section utilizes the DAC0832 module to convert digital signals into analog signals, which are then filtered and amplified before being displayed on the oscilloscope. The liquid crystal display section uses the 1602 LCD to show the waveform types and frequency values, allowing users to easily understand the current waveform conditions.
Keywords: AT89S52 single-chip microcomputer, DAC0832, 1602 LCD
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