PHYSICAL REVIEW A 86, 022332 (2012)
Finite-key analysis for measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution
Ting-Ting Song,
Qiao-Yan Wen,
Fen-Zhuo Guo,
and Xiao-Qing Tan
State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China
Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Control, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Department of Physics,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3G4
Department of Mathematics, College of Information Science and Technology, Jinan University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510632, China
(Received 25 April 2012; published 27 August 2012)
The length of signal pulses is finite in practical quantum key distribution. The finite-key analysis of an
unconditional quantum key distribution is a burning problem, and the efficient quantum key distribution protocol
suitable for practical implementation, measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution (MDI QKD),
was proposed very recently. We give the finite-key analysis of MDI QKD, which removes all detector side channels
and generates many orders of key rate higher than that of full-device-independent quantum key distribution. The
secure bound of the ultimate key rate is obtained under the statistical fluctuations of relative frequency, which
can be applied directly to practical threshold detectors with low detection efficiency and highly lossy channels.
The bound is evaluated for reasonable values of the observed parameters. The simulation shows that the secure
distance is around 10 km when the number of sifted data is 10
. Moreover the secure distance would be much
longer in practice because of some simplified treatments used in our paper.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.86.022332 PACS number(s): 03.67.Dd
In 1984, Bennett and Brassard proposed the first quantum
key distribution (QKD) protocol, known as BB84 [1]. In this
protocol, two parties, Alice and Bob, can generate a secure
key string in the presence of an eavesdropper, Eve [2,3]. The
research interest in QKD then grew quickly [4,5]. In 1996,
Mayers [6] introduced the finite-key analysis of QKD; i.e.,
the number of pulses sent by the communication parties is
finite. Then he, cooperating with Inamori and L
utkenhaus [7],
analyzed the security of QKD in a realistic setup (highly lossy
channel and non-single-photon source) after Hwang [8]gave
the security analysis of the standard BB84 protocol based on a
non-single-photon source by decoy method. However, K
et al. [9] showed that in the previous finite-key security of the
standard BB84 protocol, some potential problems exist with
respect to the difference between the two information entropies
(Alice and Bob versus Alice and Eve). They then proposed a
universal composable security definition. The new definition
indicates that the security can be judged by the distance
between the ultimate secret key and the perfect key which
is uniformly distributed and completely independent from the
eavesdropper’s quantum system. According to this modified
definition of security, Cai and Scarani [10] analyzed the
simplified finite-key security of the standard BB84 protocol,
while some other researchers [11–13] gave the upper bounds
of eavesdropper’s information entropy on a secret key and the
finite-key analysis under collective attack.
However, there still exists a gap between theory and
experiment. Quantum hackers have exploited security loop-
holes in real-life quantum systems. Various attacks have been
successfully launched against commercial QKD systems, for
instance, time-shift attacks [14], phase remapping attacks [15],
blinding attacks [16], and wavelength-dependent attacks [17].
One effective approach that can resist these attacks is device-
independent QKD (DI QKD). It is called device independent
because the protocol does not need any assumptions about
the internal workings of the quantum settings used in the
protocol and only demands those eavesdroppers must obey
the laws of quantum physics, the choice of measurement basis
is free, and there is no leakage of information from Alice’s
and Bob’s laboratories. The security of DI QKD [18–21]is
based on the fidelity of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs
sent to two parties from an untrusted relay source, which
can be detected by Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH)
measurements. Unfortunately, the secure key rate of DI QKD
is small, on the order of 10
, and the transmitted distance is
around 5 km, with a lossy quantum channel. An effective
method that can enlarge the secure distance needs to be
Recently, an approach called measurement-device-
independent QKD (MDI QKD) has been proposed [22]. The
key rate of MDI QKD is many orders of magnitude higher than
that of DI QKD. In this scheme, the communication parties,
say Alice and Bob, do not need to do any measurement; they
only need to prepare the pulses and send them to an untrusted
relay who is placed between Alice and Bob and who operates
the measurement. Then, with an announcement from the relay
about successful outcomes, Alice and Bob sift the data they
hold and perform the standard classical postprocessing on the
sifted data, such as error correction and privacy amplification.
Then they obtain the secure key string. This MDI QKD
protocol does not put any assumptions on the measurement
device, so it can remove the side-channel attack occurring in
detectors, which is more dominant than side attacks operated
in other devices. In contrast to standard DI QKD, MDI QKD
focuses on the signal source and assumes that Alice and Bob
have almost perfect state preparation. Currently, attenuated
laser pulses are used as practical sources, especially for the
weak coherent source. And the security of MDI QKD based
on the weak coherent source has been verified. However, for
the application of MDI QKD in practice, another weakness,
the asymptotic resource of optical pulses, is assumed, which
1050-2947/2012/86(2)/022332(10) ©2012 American Physical Society