
2星 需积分: 50 8 下载量 165 浏览量 更新于2024-03-21 收藏 443KB DOC 举报
"The Element of Style" is a highly recommended book for those preparing for the GRE machine. This book, also known as the Blue Book, is an essential guide to writing well and effectively communicating ideas. It covers elementary rules of usage that are crucial for writing clear and concise essays. One of the key rules discussed in "The Element of Style" is forming the possessive singular of nouns with 's. This rule ensures that writers use proper punctuation to convey ownership. Another important rule is using commas in a series of three or more terms with a single conjunction. Commas help to separate items in a list and clarify the meaning of the sentence. The book also addresses the use of commas with parenthetical expressions and before conjunctions like 'and' or 'but' that introduce independent clauses. It emphasizes the importance of not joining independent clauses with a comma and avoiding breaking sentences in two. Additionally, "The Element of Style" provides guidance on correctly positioning participial phrases at the beginning of a sentence to ensure clarity in writing. Overall, "The Element of Style" is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their writing skills and excel in exams like the GRE. It offers practical advice on grammar, punctuation, and style that can help students craft compelling essays and effectively convey their ideas. By following the rules outlined in this book, aspiring writers can enhance their writing abilities and achieve success in their academic pursuits."