This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
multilabel learning based on SVM algorithm where they use
the average fraction of incorrectly ordered pairs of labels as
cost function.
D. Tree-Based Methods
The methods that adapt the tree structure for the task of
multilabel learning are referred as the tree-based methods.
Clare and King [7] propose the ML-C4.5 algorithm which
adapts the C4.5 algorithm for multilabel data by modifying
the formula of entropy calculation. Comité et al. [2] extend
an alternative decision tree to handle multilabel data, where
the AdaBoost.MH algorithm proposed by Schapire and
Singer [1] is employed to train the multilabel alternating
decision trees. Blockeel et al. [19] propose the concept
of predictive clustering trees (PCTs). Vens et al. [20]
introduce several approaches for the PCTs algorithm to
hierarchy multilabel classification where instances may
belong to multiple classes and these classes are organized
in a hierarchy. Kocev et al. [21] consider two ensemble
learning techniques, bagging and random forests, and apply
them to PCTs for multilabel learning. Tsoumakas et al. [23]
propose the HOMER algorithm to handle data sets with a
large number of labels. HOMER partitions the whole label set
into disjointed subsets. The partition process is implemented
by a balance clustering algorithm. Bengio et al. [24]
put forward an algorithm for learning a tree structure of
classifiers by optimizing the overall tree loss. This algorithm
is originally proposed for multiclass problem, but its way
of constructing a label tree is also applicable to multilabel
problem. Punera et al. [25] develop a new technique that
extracts a suitable hierarchical structure automatically from
a corpus of label documents. Deng et al. [26] present a
novel approach to learn a label tree for learning a large-scale
classification with many classes efficiently. Madjarov and
Gjorgjevikj [27] build decision trees for multilabel
classification, where the leaves contain SVM-based classifiers
to provide multilabel predictions. Fu et al. [28] construct a
tree structure of the labels to describe the label dependency
in multilabel data. Cesa-Bianchi et al. [29] study the
hierarchical classification problem and introduce a refined
evaluation scheme to turn the hierarchical SVM classifier
into an approximated Bayes optimal classifier. They
also study the problem of hierarchical classification in a
taxonomy that allows classifications to be associated with
multiple and/or partial paths. They further propose a new
incremental algorithm to learn classifier for each node of the
taxonomy [30]. Bi and Kwok [31] provide a novel hierarchical
multilabel classification algorithm which can be used on both
tree and DAG structure hierarchies. Zhang and Zhang [32]
use a Bayesian network structure to encode the conditional
dependencies of the labels and the feature set efficiently, with
the feature set as the common parent of all labels. In this
network, multilabel learning is decomposed into a series of
single-label classification problems. Zhang and Zhang [32]
describe the multilabel problem from the perspective of the
Bayesian probability and classify the multilabel learning
methods into the first-order, the second-order, and high-order
approaches on the basis of the order of label correlations in a
Fig. 1. Example to illustrate the process of building a hierarchical tree
model. h
: the one-against-all SVM classifiers learnt at each node. Dash lines:
the decision boundaries of h
. b: the predictive label vector indicating the
predictive labels of a node. p: the class purity vector representing the purity of
the classes of a node. In the example, we set λ = 0.8, meaning that the classes
with purity value p
(l) ≥ 0.8 are predictive labels and their corresponding
value of b
(l) are set to be 1. The predictive labels of a parent node will be
transferred to its child nodes.
system. Our proposed method is different from these previous
works in the way that the predictive labels are formulated
at each node of the hierarchy. The predictive labels are
shared across the hierarchical tree structure and transferred
in a top-down manner. With this assumption, the original
multilabel classification is built into the nested single-label
prediction problems in a hierarchical way, which preserves
the correlations between multiple labels.
A. Hierarchical Tree Model
In this paper, we develop a new hierarchical tree algorithm
for multilabel learning, that is, ML-Tree. A hierarchical tree
is constructed where the root node corresponds to all the
instances in the training data set D, the instances are recur-
sively partitioned into smaller subsets while moving down the
tree. Each internal node v contains the union of the training
instances of its child nodes, D
, c
∈ children(v)
and D
∩ D
=∅, i = j for i, j = 1, 2, ...,k. At each
node v of the tree, one-against-all SVM classifiers are used to
partition the corresponding data set D
into disjoint subsets.
This process continues until the remaining instances at the
node cannot be further split by the induced classifier.
Fig. 1 shows an example of a hierarchical tree constructed
from a multilabel data set containing three labels in 2-D feature
spaces. Each node v contains a set of one-against-all SVM
classifiers h
. Dash lines at the node: the decision boundaries
given by the classifiers. The top node contains all training
data. At the top level, the whole data set is partitioned into
threedatasubsets{A, B, C}. The second subset B is further
partitioned into two subsets {B
, B
} at the bottom level.
Each node in the tree contains two important components,
that is, class purity vector and predictive label vector (see
Fig. 1), for handling multilabel learning in training phase
as well as prediction in testing phase. Suppose we have a
set of multilabel training instances D
at node v, x
∈ D