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A basic tool for DNA recombination technology.pptx; 11 Basic Tools for DNA Recombination Technology.pptx; Elective 3 Core Knowledge Relationship Principles of ecological engineering Examples of ecological engineering The construction of ecological engineering the birth of genetic engineering protein engineering Applications of genetic engineering
The principles and techniques of genetic engineering
The modern biotechnology topic of plant tissue culture
Animal cell culture
Somatic cell cloning
Cell fusion and monoclonal antibodies
Cell engineering
Safety of genetically modified organisms
Ethical issues in biotechnology
The threat of biological weapons to humans
Applications of embryo engineering
The theoretical basis of embryo engineering
Embryonic development in animals
Embryonic stem cell transplantation
Embryo engineering series 1.1 DNA recombination technology The Basic Tools for DNA Recombination Technology Imagine 1 Can insect-resistant cotton with insect-resistant traits be cultivated?
Insulin is a potent drug for treating diabetes. For a long time, it could only be extracted from the pancreas of animals such as pigs and cows, with low production and high costs. Microorganisms grow rapidly and are easy to control. Therefore, scientists imagine that if the human insulin gene can be introduced into microorganisms and expressed, it will not only solve the problem of production but also greatly reduce production costs, leading to a significant reduction in drug prices.
Imagine 2 Can microorganisms produce valuable drugs such as human insulin? Can these targeted genetically modified gene ideas be realized? After years of effort, scientists finally established a new technology for targeted bioengineering - genetic engineering The concept of genetic engineering: refers to the strict design according to people's wishes and through in vitro DN...
2021-09-23 上传
2021-10-22 上传
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