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This design is based on the C51 microcontroller, and it implements a stepper motor control system. Firstly, it introduces the working principle, control features and operating states of stepper motors. Then, it presents the overall design scheme of the microcontroller-based stepper motor control system. In this control system, the AT89C51 microcontroller is chosen as the control core, responsible for tasks such as generating pulses, sending and receiving control commands. Pulse distribution is achieved using hardware methods, with the 8713 receiving the control signals from the microcontroller to generate corresponding control pulses. This avoids the time consumption involved in continuously generating pulses using software methods. The motor is driven using a single voltage driving method to drive the load. To realize the interface between the microcontroller and the keyboard and LED display, a keyboard and a dedicated display chip 8279 are used, which have relatively simple hardware circuits and minimal software overhead. Finally, the implementation methods for the hardware and software parts are detailed.
Keywords: microcontroller; stepper motor; speed control; ZLG7290; display.
2023-06-28 上传
2021-10-05 上传
2023-06-28 上传
2023-06-22 上传
125 浏览量

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