Deep Cross-Modality Alignment for Multi-Shot Person
Zhichao Song, Bingbing Ni, Yichao Yan, Zhe Ren, Yi Xu, Xiaokang Yang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Multi-shot person Re-IDentification (Re-ID) has recently re-
ceived more research attention as its problem setting is more
realistic compared to single-shot Re-ID in terms of applica-
tion. While many large-scale single-shot Re-ID human image
datasets have been released, most existing multi-shot Re-ID
video sequence datasets contain only a few (i.e., several hun-
dreds) human instances, which hinders further improvement
of multi-shot Re-ID performance. To this end, we propose
a deep cross-modality alignment network, which jointly ex-
plores both human sequence pairs and image pairs to facili-
tate training better multi-shot human Re-ID models, i.e., via
transferring knowledge from image data to sequence data. To
mitigate modality-to-modality mismatch issue, the proposed
network is equipped with an image-to-sequence adaption
module called cross-modality alignment sub-network, which
successfully maps each human image into a pseudo human
sequence to facilitate knowledge transferring and joint train-
ing. Extensive experimental results on several multi-shot
person Re-ID benchmarks demonstrate great performance
gain brought up by the proposed network.
person Re-ID, cross-modality alignment network, knowledge
ACM Reference Format:
Zhichao Song, Bingbing Ni, Yichao Yan, Zhe Ren, Yi Xu, Xiaokang
Yang. 2017. Deep Cross-Mo dality Alignment for Multi-Shot Person
Re-IDentification. In Proceedings of MM ’17, Mountain View, CA,
USA, October 23–27, 2017, 9 pages.
Multi-shot person Re-ID is an important problem in video
surveillance. Compared with traditional single-shot person
Re-ID, the problem setting of multi-shot person Re-ID is
closer to real-world application, i.e., in surveillance, usually a
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MM ’17, October 23–27, 2017, Mountain View, CA, USA
© 2017 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-4906-2/17/10. . . $15.00
Temporal Pooling
Temporal Pooling
Sequence Feature Sequence Feature
Cross-Modality Alignment Network
Video Sequence Loss Pseudo Sequence Loss
Video Sequence
Single Image
Figure 1: Pipeline of our proposed network. The in-
put data includes two parts: the video sequence and
the single image. The single image gets though the
cross-modality alignment network to produce a pseu-
do sequence. Both types of data go through the par-
allel sub-network which contains CNNs and RNNs.
Finally, video sequence and pseudo sequence com-
pute their loss value independently.
video sequence of human is observable, instead of a snapshot
of this person. There exist several datasets for multi-shot
person Re-ID, however, most of them have only hundreds of
video sequences, which is far from sufficient for training a high
performance multi-shot person Re-ID model. For example,
the well-known iLIDS-VID dataset [
] contains 600 image
sequences for 300 people. The PRID 2011 dataset [
] includes
400 image sequences for 200 people.
While lack of multi-shot person Re-ID data, there exist
many large-scale single-shot person Re-ID datasets. For exam-
ple, the CUHK03 dataset [
] contains 1467 human identities.
Similarly, the Market-1501 dataset [
] contains 32668 bound-
ing boxes of 1501 human identities. Therefore, it is natural
to ask the following question: whether we can utilize these
rich image data to facilitate better sequence based multi-shot
person Re-ID algorithm training? In other words, whether
we can transfer the knowledge obtained from image dataset
to sequence dataset?
A typical way of performing cross-modality knowledge
transfer in deep learning is the DeepID face verification
pipeline [
]: first pre-train deep CNN model based on a
human classification dataset, which contains a large number
MM’17, October 23–27, 2017, Mountain View, CA, USA