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本文主要探讨了基于区间数的基本概率分配(Basic Probability Assignment, BPA)生成方法及其在实际应用中的有效性。在证据理论背景下,BPA是决策过程中的重要组成部分,它用于量化不确定性的证据信息。然而,当前生成BPA的方法并未完全成熟,本文针对这一问题提出了创新的解决方案。 首先,作者构建了一个样本属性的区间数模型,区间数是一种数学工具,它能够更好地表达不确定性,比传统的实数值更适于处理不确定性和模糊性。通过区间数,可以量化属性值的不确定性范围,这有助于在处理复杂数据时减少主观因素的影响。 接着,作者利用区间数的距离来衡量样本属性之间的差异性。这种距离刻画了两个区间之间的相似度,即属性值的接近程度。在证据理论中,相似度的计算是生成BPA的关键步骤,因为它反映了证据之间的强弱关系。 进一步,通过归一化处理,将相似度转换为BPA,这是一种概率分布,反映了不同证据对分类结果的重要性。这种方法使得BPA的生成更加客观和精确,适应了证据理论中对概率解释的需求。 为了验证方法的有效性,作者选择经典的鸢尾花数据集(Iris Dataset)进行了分类实验。实验结果显示,使用基于区间数的BPA生成方法,整体识别率达到96%,这证明了该方法在实际应用中的高效率和准确性。特别是当数据样本较少的情况下,这种方法依然能有效地确定BPA,体现了其在资源有限情况下的优势。 本文提出的基于区间数的基本概率分配生成方法结合了证据理论、区间数、相似度以及数据融合的概念,提供了一种在数据不确定性较大的情况下生成BPA的有效途径。这种方法具有简单实用的特点,对于提高决策过程中的不确定性处理能力具有重要意义。在未来的研究中,这种技术有可能被广泛应用于各种需要处理不确定性和模糊信息的领域,如机器学习、数据融合和智能决策系统。
2023-02-17 上传

Please revise the paper:Accurate determination of bathymetric data in the shallow water zone over time and space is of increasing significance for navigation safety, monitoring of sea-level uplift, coastal areas management, and marine transportation. Satellite-derived bathymetry (SDB) is widely accepted as an effective alternative to conventional acoustics measurements over coastal areas with high spatial and temporal resolution combined with extensive repetitive coverage. Numerous empirical SDB approaches in previous works are unsuitable for precision bathymetry mapping in various scenarios, owing to the assumption of homogeneous bottom over the whole region, as well as the limitations of constructing global mapping relationships between water depth and blue-green reflectance takes no account of various confounding factors of radiance attenuation such as turbidity. To address the assumption failure of uniform bottom conditions and imperfect consideration of influence factors on the performance of the SDB model, this work proposes a bottom-type adaptive-based SDB approach (BA-SDB) to obtain accurate depth estimation over different sediments. The bottom type can be adaptively segmented by clustering based on bottom reflectance. For each sediment category, a PSO-LightGBM algorithm for depth derivation considering multiple influencing factors is driven to adaptively select the optimal influence factors and model parameters simultaneously. Water turbidity features beyond the traditional impact factors are incorporated in these regression models. Compared with log-ratio, multi-band and classical machine learning methods, the new approach produced the most accurate results with RMSE value is 0.85 m, in terms of different sediments and water depths combined with in-situ observations of airborne laser bathymetry and multi-beam echo sounder.

2023-02-18 上传

Recently, the renowned actor Zhang Songwen has sparked a fascinating phenomenon known as "two-way rejection", which has captured the attention of many and inspired the masses. The roots of this phenomenon are complex, with one of the fundamental causes being the fear of failure that plagues most of us. Rejection can instill a sense of inadequacy and a fear of being perceived as a failure, which can be challenging to overcome. However, the concept of "two-way rejection" teaches us that rejection is a natural part of life, and it's acceptable to reject and be rejected in return. This empowers us to recognize that life is not just about failures, but also about perseverance, and striving to achieve our aspirations, which may include fame and fortune. Despite the distractions we may encounter, the concept of "two-way rejection" reminds us to turn away from erroneous opportunities and remain steadfast in our principles and moral compass. While there are both advantages and drawbacks to this approach, "two-way rejection" ultimately inspires us to embrace rejection, learn from it, and emerge stronger and more self-assured. However, it is essential to distinguish between a sound and an unsound opportunity to avoid blindly rejecting the right ones. In conclusion, the concept of "two-way rejection" should be approached with discretion, but it can prove to be a valuable tool in enabling us to adhere to our goals and persevere through rejection. It teaches us to embrace rejection, learn from it, and move forward with confidence, ultimately empowering us to achieve our dreams and aspirations.结合双向拒绝进行内容补充

2023-05-10 上传
2023-05-11 上传