设计数据可视化:Noah Iliinsky与Julie Steele的指南

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"Designing Data Visualizations by Noah Iliinsky and Julie Steele" 设计数据可视化是数据科学领域的一个关键环节,它涉及到将复杂的数据转化为易于理解的图形和图表,以帮助人们快速洞察信息并做出决策。这本书《Designing Data Visualizations》由Noah Iliinsky和Julie Steele撰写,于2011年出版,提供了关于如何有效地创建数据可视化的深入指导。 作者Noah Iliinsky和Julie Steele是该领域的专家,他们在这本书中分享了他们的知识和经验,帮助读者掌握设计出色数据可视化的关键原则和技巧。书中的内容可能涵盖了从选择合适的图表类型到颜色理论,再到视觉层次结构和交互式设计等各个方面。 首先,书中可能详细介绍了各种类型的图表,如条形图、折线图、散点图和热力图等,以及何时应该使用它们。每种图表都有其特定的应用场景和优势,了解这些可以帮助避免常见的可视化误区,如误用3D图表或过度装饰。 其次,颜色在数据可视化中扮演着至关重要的角色。作者可能讨论了颜色理论,如何选择对比度适中、可读性强的颜色方案,以及如何利用颜色来引导观众的注意力。此外,他们可能还探讨了色彩对于传达数据价值和情绪的影响。 此外,书籍可能强调了清晰的视觉层次结构的重要性,以确保信息的层次清晰,使观众能够按照设计者的意图解读图表。这包括布局设计、标签和图例的正确使用,以及避免视觉混乱。 交互式设计在现代数据可视化中越来越受欢迎,书中可能也涉及了这一主题。交互性允许用户探索数据的不同方面,通过动态更新和过滤数据来获得更深入的理解。作者可能讨论了如何设计有效的交互元素,以及如何平衡信息的丰富性和用户体验的简洁性。 除此之外,书中可能还涵盖了对数据故事叙述的讨论,如何将一系列可视化组合成一个连贯的故事,以增强信息的说服力和影响力。最后,作者可能提到了最佳实践和避免的陷阱,以确保数据可视化不仅美观,而且准确无误。 《Designing Data Visualizations》是一本全面的指南,旨在提升读者设计高质量数据可视化的能力,无论是在商业、教育还是研究环境中,都能帮助人们更好地理解和利用数据。通过学习书中的内容,读者可以提升自己的数据可视化技能,创造出能够有效传达复杂信息的视觉作品。
2016-10-18 上传
Illustrate your data in a more interactive way by implementing data visualization principles and creating visual stories using Tableau About This Book Use data visualization principles to help you to design dashboards that enlighten and support business decisions Integrate your data to provide mashed-up dashboards Connect to various data sources and understand what data is appropriate for Tableau Public Understand chart types and when to use specific chart types with different types of data Who This Book Is For Data scientists who have just started using Tableau and want to build on the skills using practical examples. Familiarity with previous versions of Tableau will be helpful, but not necessary. What You Will Learn Customize your designs to meet the needs of your business using Tableau Use Tableau to prototype, develop, and deploy the final dashboard Create filled maps and use any shape file Discover features of Tableau Public, from basic to advanced Build geographic maps to bring context to data Create filters and actions to allow greater interactivity to Tableau Public visualizations and dashboards Publish and embed Tableau visualizations and dashboards in articles In Detail With increasing interest for data visualization in the media, businesses are looking to create effective dashboards that engage as well as communicate the truth of data. Tableau makes data accessible to everyone, and is a great way of sharing enterprise dashboards across the business. Tableau is a revolutionary toolkit that lets you simply and effectively create high-quality data visualizations. This course starts with making you familiar with its features and enable you to develop and enhance your dashboard skills, starting with an overview of what dashboard is, followed by how you can collect data using various mathematical formulas. Next, you'll learn to filter and group data, as well as how to use various functions to present the data in an appealing and accurate way. In the first