Qt5.12 LTS:创新与升级的抉择——最新版本优势与滞留风险

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本篇白皮书《Keeping Pace with the Pack: The Benefits of Adopting the Latest Qt and Drawbacks of Remaining Behind》由The Qt Company撰写,主要探讨了采用最新Qt版本5.12 LTS(Long-Term Support)的优势以及继续使用旧版本可能面临的挑战。以下是关键知识点的详细阐述: 1. **风险与滞后**: - 延用老版本的Qt可能会导致与行业的技术创新脱节,错过新的功能和性能优化,从而面临市场竞争中的劣势。 2. **性能提升**: - 更新到Qt 5.12 LTS能够带来显著的性能提升,特别是在处理复杂的图形渲染、多媒体应用和跨平台性能方面。 3. **框架与启动时间**: - 新版本可能优化了框架结构,使得应用程序的启动时间和内存占用更小,提高用户体验。 4. **QML/JavaScript/QtQuick**: - Qt 5.12引入了最新的QML技术和JavaScript改进,为构建动态、响应式的用户界面提供了更强大的工具。 5. **QtQuickControls**: - 控件集的更新可能包括更现代的设计风格和更好的交互性,提升了整体应用程序的视觉效果和可用性。 6. **库和QtLite**: - 新版本可能引入了轻量级库选项,有助于在资源受限的设备上实现更好的性能和功耗管理。 7. **Qt3D性能增强**: - 3D图形渲染能力得到提升,对于游戏开发和其他需要高性能3D渲染的应用尤其重要。 8. **新特性**: - Qt 5.12可能包含针对不同领域的创新特性,如机器学习、物联网或云计算集成等。 9. **Qt for Python/Qt for WebAssembly/QtQuickWebGL**: - 支持的编程语言和跨平台技术扩展,增强了与不同开发环境的兼容性和可移植性。 10. **功能安全系统**: - 新版本可能加强了安全措施,确保应用程序在不断变化的安全威胁下保持稳定。 11. **Qt仿真器和IDE**: - 提供了更完善的开发工具,简化了调试和开发流程,提升开发效率。 12. **操作系统与硬件支持**: - 适应了更多的操作系统和硬件平台,扩大了应用程序的适用范围。 13. **Qt的未来与路线图**: - 介绍了Qt公司对未来版本的规划,表明持续投入研发以保持行业领先地位。 14. **长期支持版本**: - 选择Qt 5.12 LTS意味着更长久的技术支持和稳定性,减少升级带来的不确定性。 15. **升级建议**: - 文章鼓励用户评估当前项目的需求,适时升级到最新版本以获取最大利益。 总结来说,本白皮书强调了采用Qt 5.12 LTS的重要性和不及时升级可能遇到的问题,为开发者提供了明确的指导,帮助他们做出明智的决策,以保持竞争力并适应快速发展的IT行业。

Before Playstation, there was Pong, at one time the ultimate in video game entertainment. For those of you not familiar with this game please refer to the Wikipedia entry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pong) and the many fine websites extolling the game and its virtues. Pong is not so very different in structure from the Billiard ball simulation that you developed earlier in the course. They both involve a ball moving and colliding with obstacles. The difference in this case is that two of the obstacles are under user control. The goal of this project is to develop your own version of Pong in MATLAB using the keyboard as input, for example, one player could move the left paddle up and down using the q and a keys while the right paddle is controlled with the p and l keys. You may check the code for the Lunarlander game which demonstrates some of the techniques you can use to capture user input. You will also probably find the plot, set, line and text commands useful in your program. You have used most of these before in the billiard simulation and you can use Matlabs online help to get more details on the many options these functions offer. Your program should allow you to play a game to 11 keeping track of score appropriately. The general structure of the code is outlined below in pseudo code While not done Update Ball State (position and velocity) taking into account collisions with walls and paddles Check for scoring and handle appropriately Update Display Note that in this case it is implicitly assumed that capturing the user input and moving the paddles is being handled with callback functions which removes that functionality from the main loop. For extra credit you could consider adding extra features like spin or gravity to the ball flight or providing a single player mode where the computer controls one of the paddles.

2023-05-30 上传