Steerable Mechanical Joint for High
Load Transmission in Minimally
Invasive Instruments
Tin Yan Nai
e-mail: timnai@gmail.com
Just L. Herder
e-mail: j.l.herder@tudelft.nl
Department of Biomechanical Engineering,
Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering,
Delft University of Technology,
Delft, The Netherlands
Gabrie¨lle J. M. Tuijthof
Department of Biomechanical Engineering,
Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering,
Delft University of Technology,
Delft, The Netherlands;
Orthopedic Research Center Amsterdam,
Department of Orthopedic Surgery,
Academic Medical Centre,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
e-mail: g.j.m.tuijthof@tudelft.nl; g.j.tuijthof@amc.uva.nl
As minimally invasive operations are performed through small por-
tals, the limited manipulation capability of straight surgical instru-
ments is an issue. Access to the pathology site can be challenging,
especially in confined anatomic areas with few available portals,
such as the knee joint. The goal in this paper is to present and eval-
uate a new sideways-steerable instrument joint that fits within a
small diameter and enables transmission of relative high forces
(e.g., for cutting of tough tissue). Meniscectomy was selected as a
target procedure for which quantitative design criteria were formu-
lated. The steering mechanism consists of a crossed configuration
of a compliant rolling-contact element that forms the instrument
joint, which is rotated by flexural steering beams that are config-
ured in a parallelogram mechanism. The actuation of cutting is
performed by steel wire that runs through the center of rotation of
the instrument joint. A prototype of the concept was fabricated and
evaluated technically. The prototype demonstrated a range of
motion between 22
and 25
with a steering stiffness of 17.6
Nmm/rad (min 16.9 – max 18.2 Nmm/rad). Mechanical tests con-
firmed that the prototype can transmit an axial load of 200 N on
the tip with a maximum parasitic deflection of 4.4
. A new sideways
steerable mechanical instrument joint was designed to improve
sideways range of motion while enabling the cutting of strong tis-
sues in a minimally invasive procedure. Proof of principle was
achieved for the main criteria, which encourages the future devel-
opment of a complete instrument. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4004649]
Keywords: compliant mechanism, meniscectomy, steerable
mechanical joint, rolling contact
1 Introduction
As minimally invasive operations are performed through small
portals and the manipulation capability of straight surgical instru-
ments is limited, access to the pathology site can be challenging
[1]. This is especially true for body cavities with confined spaces
and few available access portals [2]. An example is the human knee
joint, which is surrounded by bones, ligaments, and neurovascular
structures [3].
To increase the manoeuvrability of minimally invasive surgical
instruments, different concepts of steerable mechanisms have been
presented to enhance instrument manipulation capability (e.g., Refs.
[1,4–8]). Often the focus is on achieving maximum range of motion,
multiple degrees of freedom, or miniaturisation, which is well suited
for the intended application. However, it is doubtful whether apply-
ing these concepts is feasible for manipulating or cutting of tough
tissue, such as a torn meniscus located in the knee joint [9].
Therefore, the goal is to present and to evaluate a sideways
steerable mechanical joint that fits within a small diameter and is
able to withstand relatively high force transmission.
2 Design Requirements
Formulation of quantitative design requirements was performed
by choosing one minimally invasive procedure for which applica-
tion would be beneficial: meniscectomy. Meniscectomy is per-
formed around 1.7 10
times a year worldwide [10] and consists
of surgical removal of a meniscal lesion to create a stable rim
[11]. Design requirements are summarized in Table 1. The maxi-
mum cutting force (F
) was calculated to be approximately 190 N,
using the maximum shear stress for punching meniscal tissue
(10.2 N/mm
)[12] and the circumferential cutting area of a con-
ventional cutter (19 mm
). F
acts as compressive force on the
proposed steerable mechanical joint. The required range of motion
) was estimated to be 55
to 55
relative to the instrument
shaft in the meniscal plane [2]. For comfortable steering, a low
steering stiffness (K) is preferred. The main geometric criteria are
a maximum outer shaft diameter (d
) to fit the access portal,
and a minimum shaft length (L
) to easily feed the whole
instrument in the knee joint [2] (Table 1).
To guarantee robust function when handling the instrument,
two critical situations can be identified. First, during insertion of
the instrument in an access portal, the tip should remain in line
with the shaft to minimize the risk of damaging healthy tissue.
This requires minimal deflection of the tip under axial (F
and transverse (F
) loads (Table 1). Secondly, during tissue
cutting a maximum parasitic deflection (u
is allowed [2].
3 Conceptual Design
The steerable mechanical instrument joint function was divided
into steering and cutting, with steering split into hinging of me-
chanical parts and actuating them.
Traditional mechanisms using gears, pulleys, or linkages [1,13]
and actuation by hydraulics [14] or pneumatics pose a challenge
for the intended design, because possibilities for miniaturization
are limited. Compliant mechanisms in which the deflection of des-
ignated flexible members transmits force, motion, and energy
[15], do not have these drawbacks. As a result, fewer parts are
required, leaving more construction space, reduced backlash, and
wear. However, application of compliant mechanisms for surgical
instruments was primarily performed for grasping soft tissues
[8,16–19], and design synthesis when dealing with large deflec-
tions, interconnected deformations, and three-dimensional struc-
tures pose problems [19].
To avoid complex three-dimensional structures, the cutting
mechanism was placed distally at the instrument tip and the
steering mechanism proximally behind the cutting m echanism.
This strategy allows superposition of two-dimensional solutions
to achieve synthesis.
Many compliant hinges only allow small displacements to
remain within the elastic deformation zone and to prevent buckling
Corresponding author.
Manuscript received December 16, 2010; final manuscript received June 21,
2011; published online September 30, 2011. Assoc. Editor: Vijay Goel.
Journal of Medical Devices SEPTEMBER 2011, Vol. 5 / 034503-1Copyright
2011 by ASME
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