Mode-locked fiber laser with a manganese-doped
cadmium selenide saturable absorber
A. H. A. Rosol
, H. A. Rahman
, E. I. Ismail
, Z. Jusoh
, A. A. Latiff
, and S. W. Harun
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam 40450, Malaysia
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University Teknologi Mara (Terengganu), Dungun 23000, Malaysia
Photonics Research Center, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia
*Corresponding author:
Received January 28, 2017; accepted March 30, 2017; posted online April 20, 2017
We demonstrate the generation of mode-locked pulses in an erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) by using a new
manganese-doped cadmium selenide quantum-dots-based saturable absorber. The laser produces a soliton pulse
train operating at 1561.1 nm with a repetition rate of 1 MHz, as the pump power is varied from 113 to 250 mW.
At the maximum pump power, we obtain the pulse duration of 459 ns with a signal-to-noise ratio of 50 dB.
OCIS codes: 140.4050, 140.3500, 160.4236.
doi: 10.3788/COL201715.071405.
Pulsed laser generation was started in the 1980s through
the development of a dye gain medium, followed by a solid
state gain medium a decade later. The research interest
moves to a fiber gain medium in the early 2000s, especially
on generating pulsed fiber lasers because of their compact-
ness and high reliability. The pulsed fiber lasers, such as a
mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL), have of-
fered many applications in various fields, such as telecom-
munication, bio-sensing, and material processing
There are different methods for generating a mode-locked
laser; one of the simplest and most effective ways is by us-
ing a passive saturable absorber (SA). To date, various
mode-locked fiber lasers have used a ytterbium-doped fi-
ber (YDF), an erbium-doped fiber (EDF), or a thulium-
doped fiber (TDF) as the gain media
. On the other
hand, various types of SAs have also been reported to pro-
duce mode-locked pulse trains, such as a semiconductor
SA mirror (SESAM)
, carbon nanotubes (CNT)
, and
. SESAM is readily available on the market.
However, it has limited bandwidth and requires compli-
cated and expensive fabrication. Then, a CNT was regu-
larly used in a mode-locked fiber laser as an SA due to its
rapid recovery time and broad absorption spectrum
, but
not for its stability. Later, graphene was reported by Bao
et al.
, who showed it as a promising material for an SA.
Graphene provides several advantages such as a great
saturable absorption modulation depth and fast recovery
Recently, two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials, such as
transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs)
and black
phosphorus (BP)
, have also attracted considerable
interest as convincing SA materials for mode-locked fiber
laser application. BP has gained more attraction due to
its narrow direct band gap, which can fill the gap
between graphene and wide band-gap TMDs. However,
BP cannot be exposed to oxygen and water molecule s
due to its hydrophilic properties, which can reduce its
. More recently, a quantum dots (QDs)
semiconductor crystal was established as one of nanoma-
terials groups, which gained attraction for many research-
ers due to its wide range of applications, including
processing a solar cell
, as a biological device
, and as
a probe for energy filtered transmission electron micros-
copy (TEM)
. One of the promising materials in QDs
is cadmium selenide (CdSe), which provides great photo-
electrical properties and a direct band gap of 1.74 eV
for making a photodetector and a photovoltaic system
Moreover, CdSe shows excellent photostability, which
maintains its optical properties for ten days under ambi-
ent conditions
. The CdSe band-gap size can be reduced
by increasin g the crystal size
, as well as the impurities
and defects in a CdSe crystal
. So, the band-gap energy of
CdSe depends on the crystal size, and, thus, it is beneficial
for biological and chemical sensors.
In this Letter, a mode-locked EDFL operating at
1561.1 nm demonstrates manganese (Mn)-doped CdSe
QD as an SA. To the best of our knowledge, this the first
demonstration of mode-locking pulse generation by using
Mn-doped CdSe as a mode locker.
In this work, the first stage of the process is the
fabrication of CdSe powder. The process was similar to
previous reports
, where cadmium oxide (CdO),
selenium (Se), and Mn acetate powders were used as a pre-
cursor. In this process, a mixture of oleic acid and paraffin
oil is prepared as a solvent with a ratio 3:5. After that, the
CdO and Mn acetate powder is mixed with the prepared
solvent under an argon gas flow with a temperature of
160°C by using a three-neck flask. The mixture is then
stirred continuously until all of the powders totally dis-
solve before it is distilled in a vacuum to eliminate any re-
maining acetone. Later, the Se powder is dissolved in
paraffin oil at a 220°C temperature. Lastly, 5 mL of an
Mn–Cd solution was promptly added into the Se–
paraffin-oil solution so that it allowed for a gradual growth
COL 15(7), 071405(2017) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS July 10, 2017
1671-7694/2017/071405(5) 071405-1 © 2017 Chinese Optics Letters