VMware vRealize Automation 7:业务驱动的云自动化实践与展望

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"以业务为中心的云自动化——VMware vRealize Automation 7" 是一份关于VMware在2016年云管平台技术研讨会上发布的技术概览文档,重点关注了VRA产品的主要特性、应用场景以及未来的发展趋势。vRealize Automation (VRA) 是一款关键的云自动化工具,旨在帮助企业实现更加高效和灵活的云管理。 文档首先概述了当前云管理平台的现状,强调了其存在的局限性,如单机计算资源交付侧重于基础资源,缺乏复杂的业务应用部署能力,生命周期管理主要集中在部署阶段,运维能力有限,资源池管理方面缺乏整体网络和混合云支持,存储管理和应用场景较为单一。 在Day1部署阶段,文档介绍了自动化的IAAS部署,强调了网络、安全和存储的一体化交付,以及DevOps原则的应用。这标志着从单纯满足资源请求向更深层次的业务整合和管理需求转变。 vRealize Automation 7的目标是通过Day0设计和Day2运维的结合,提升交付内容的多样性,包括应用交付、XAAS和CAAS,同时强化故障管理、风险管理、容量管理和资产管理工作。资源池管理层面,VRA扩展了粒度和深度,支持混合云环境,并提供了动态扩展和运行分析的能力。 IAAS交付模块着重于用户自助服务,提供审批、资源管理和配置,但当前侧重于计算资源池管理,应用部署和运维能力相对较弱。而面向应用的服务交付(IAAS+/PAAS)则引入了融合蓝图,实现应用级别的动态部署,集成了计算、网络和存储资源的综合管理,以及全生命周期管理。 从简单的虚拟化自动化开始,VRA逐步进化到第三代云管平台,不仅服务于系统管理员,还具备了更加高级的自动化功能,如虚拟机管理,并朝着提供更加全面的云自动化和管理服务方向发展。 总结来说,VMware vRealize Automation 7的核心价值在于帮助企业构建一个以业务为中心,包含自动化部署、全生命周期管理、混合云支持以及高级服务交付的成熟云管理平台,以适应不断变化的业务需求和技术发展趋势。这份文档对于CIO和对VRA产品感兴趣的人员来说,提供了深入理解和实际操作的关键信息。
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Learn the fundamentals of vRealize Automation to accelerate the delivery of your IT services About This Book Learn to install the vRealize Automation product in a distributed architecture using a load balancer Plan backup and recovery strategies for every vRealize automation component Use vRealize Automation to manage applications and improve operational efficiency using this simple and intuitive guide Who This Book Is For This book is for anyone who wants to start their journey with vRealize Automation. It is your one-stop instruction guide to installing and configuring a distributed setup using NSX load balancer. Regardless of whether or not you have used vRealize Automation before, following the steps provided in each chapter will get you started with the product. What You Will Learn Understand the basic building blocks of vRealize Automation before embarking on the journey of installation Familiarize yourself with the requirements and steps that need to be performed during the first phase of the distributed installation Carry out a functional validation of the first phase of installation before completing the installation Build a blueprint for vSphere endpoint, an essential step for a successful deployment of a service catalog Create, configure, and deploy tenants, endpoints, blueprints, and the service catalog Get to grips with the failover process for all components in vRealize Automation Learn to configure the NSX loadbalancer for vRealize Orchestrator for high availability Leverage ASD to develop XaaS (Anything as a Service) in vRealize Automation to deliver valuable competence In Detail With the growing interest in Software Defined Data Centers (SDDC), vRealize Automation offers data center users an organized service catalog and governance for administrators. This way, end users gain autonomy while the IT department stays in control, making sure security and compliance requirements are met. Learning what each component does and how they dovetail with each other will bolster your understanding of vRealize Automation. The book starts off with an introduction to the distributed architecture that has been tested and installed in large scale deployments. Implementing and configuring distributed architecture with custom certificates is unarguably a demanding task, and it will be covered next. After this, we will progress with the installation. A vRealize Automation blueprint can be prepared in multiple ways; we will focus solely on vSphere endpoint blueprint. After this, we will discuss the high availability configuration via NSX loadbalancer for vRealize Orchestrator. Finally, we end with Advanced Service Designer, which provides service architects with the ability to create advanced services and publish them as catalog items. Style and approach This book takes a step-by-step approach, is explained in a conversational and easy-to-follow style, and includes ample screenshots . Each topic is explained sequentially through planning, preparing, installing, configuring, and validating of all vRealize Automation's components. Table of Contents Chapter 1. vRealize Automation and the Deconstruction of Components Chapter 2. Distributed Installation Using Custom Certificates Chapter 3. Functional Validation – Phase 1 and Installing Secondary Nodes Chapter 4. Configuring a Guest OS for vRealize Automation vSphere Blueprints Chapter 5. Functional Validation – Phase 2 and Zero to VM Provisioning Chapter 6. Testing Failover Scenarios for vRealize Automation Components Chapter 7. vRealize Orchestrator in High Availability via the NSX Load Balancer Chapter 8. The Power of Advanced Service Designer (ASD)
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