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《C++ Toolkit for Engineers and Scientists》是由James T. Smith撰写的一本专为工程师和科学家设计的实用指南,它在第二版中为读者提供了深入理解和应用C++编程语言的专业知识。该书由Springer Science+Business Media出版,旨在帮助读者解决在科研和工程领域中的编程挑战,特别强调了C++语言在实践中的应用和优化。 本书特色在于其12幅插图,以及对C++语言的详细讲解,包括基本概念、数据结构、控制流程、函数和类的设计,以及面向对象编程的核心原则。作者James T. Smith是San Francisco State University数学系的教授,他的专业背景使他能从理论到实践,为读者提供一个既严谨又易于理解的学习框架。 书中还包含了针对Windows 95、98和NT等操作系统平台的支持,突出了C++在跨平台开发中的实用性。此外,书后附录提供了额外的在线资源链接,读者可以通过http://extras.springer.com访问更多补充材料,这使得本书成为了一个互动学习的平台。 对于想要提升C++技能的工程师和科学家来说,《C++ Toolkit for Engineers and Scientists》是一本不可或缺的参考资料。无论是初学者还是进阶者,都可以从中受益,因为它不仅涵盖了基础知识,还关注实际问题的解决方案,有助于提升工作效率和项目质量。本书的ISBN号码为9780387987972,电子版则有ISBN978-1-4612-1474-8,读者可以通过Springer网站或电子书平台获取。 版权信息显示,此书于1999年由Springer-Verlag New York Inc.首次出版,享有所有权利。未经许可,不得进行翻译或复制。这本书的版权保护意识强,确保了作者和出版社的权益。这是一本值得投入时间和精力去学习的C++工具书,对于提升工程和科学领域的编程能力具有重要作用。
2019-02-21 上传
Programming in C++ for Engineering and Science By 作者: Larry Nyhoff ISBN-10 书号: 1439825343 ISBN-13 书号: 9781439825341 Edition 版本: 1 Release Finelybook 出版日期: 2012-08-03 pages 页数: (744 ) $110 Book Description to Finelybook sorting Developed from the author’s many years of teaching computing courses, Programming in C++ for Engineering and Science guides students in designing programs to solve real problems encountered in engineering and scientific applications. These problems include radioactive decay, pollution indexes, digital circuits, differential equations, Internet addresses, data analysis, simulation, quality control, electrical networks, data encryption, beam deflection, and many other areas. To make it easier for novices to develop programs, the author uses an object-centered design approach that helps students identify the objects in a problem and the operations needed; develop an algorithm for processing; implement the objects, operations, and algorithm in a program; and test, correct, and revise the program. He also revisits topics in greater detail as the text progresses. By the end of the book, students will have a solid understanding of how C++ can be used to process complex objects, including how classes can be built to model objects. contents : Content: Front Cover Contents Preface Acknowledgments About the Author Chapter 1: Introduction to Computing Chapter 2: Programming and Problem Solving- Software Engineering Chapter 3: Types in C++ Chapter 4: Getting Started with Expressions Chapter 5: Control Structures Chapter 6: Functions and Libraries Chapter 7: Using Classes Chapter 8: More Selection Control Structures Chapter 9: More Repetition Control Structures Chapter 10: Functions in Depth Chapter 11: Files and Streams Chapter 12: Arrays and the vector Class Template Chapter 13: Multidimensional Arrays and Vectors Chapter 14: Building ClassesChapter 15: Pointers and Linked Structures Chapter 16: Data Structures Answers to Test Yourself Questions Appe