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"Chris Swan,cohesiveFT的首席技术官(CTO),分享了关于Docker网络的内容。本文主要探讨Docker默认网络设置、容器之间的连接以及更高级的网络选项,包括多主机环境下的解决方案和高级工具。" Docker网络是Docker生态系统中的一个关键组成部分,它允许容器在隔离的环境中相互通信并访问外部网络。默认情况下,Docker通过docker0桥接网络实现这一目标,同时利用iptables规则来管理网络流量。 首先,让我们从一个常规的主机开始。在没有安装Docker的情况下,主机可能只有一个网络接口,如eth0,它拥有一个IP地址(例如10.0.1.1)。当Docker被安装在主机上后,会创建一个新的虚拟网桥docker0,它分配了一个不同的IP地址(如172.17.42.1)。 当我们启动一个Docker容器时,Docker会在主机上创建一对虚拟以太网接口(veth pair),例如veth67ab,并将其中的一个接口(eth0)放入容器中,分配一个新的IP地址(如172.17.0.1)。这个过程创建了容器的网络隔离,同时也确保了容器可以通过docker0桥与外界通信。 当启动第二个容器时,类似的过程会重复,新的veth pair和IP地址(会被分配,使得两个容器都能通过docker0桥与主机和其他容器通信。 为了使容器能够访问外部世界,Docker使用iptables的MASQUERADE规则。MASQUERADE规则动态地将容器的源IP地址转换为主机的IP地址,从而允许容器发出的网络流量通过主机的网络接口转发出去。例如,`iptables -t nat -L -n` 命令可以显示MASQUERADE规则,确保从172.17.0.0/16网络发出的流量被正确处理。 另一方面,外部世界也可以通过端口映射连接到容器。使用`docker run --publish 1880:1880 cpswan/node-red`命令,可以将主机的1880端口映射到容器的1880端口,这样外部就可以通过主机IP访问到运行在容器内的服务。 然而,单主机的解决方案仅适用于简单场景。在多主机环境里,Docker提供了更高级的网络选项,如自定义网络驱动(如桥接网络、overlay网络等)、网络策略和命名空间,以支持跨主机的容器通信。这些高级特性通常需要使用像Docker Swarm或Kubernetes这样的编排系统来配合,以实现更复杂的网络配置和服务发现。 Docker网络为容器提供了一种灵活且隔离的网络环境,通过默认的docker0桥接网络和iptables规则实现基本的通信,同时支持更复杂的企业级网络需求。了解和掌握这些网络概念对于有效地管理和部署容器化应用至关重要。
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Key Features Set up, configure, and monitor a virtual network of containers using a bridge network and virtual switches Master the skill of networking Docker Containers using frameworks such as Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, and Mesosphere Acquire hands-on experience through practical examples of Docker networking spanning multiple containers, over multiple hosts, clubbed with various frameworks Book Description Docker is a Linux container implementation that enables the creation of light weight portable development and production environments. These environments can be updated incrementally. Docker achieves this by leveraging containment principles like cgroups and Linux namespaces along with Overlay filesystem based portable images. Docker provides the networking primitives that allow administrators to specify how different containers network with each application and connect each of its components, then distribute them across a large number of servers and ensure coordination between them irrespective of the host or VM they are running in. This book will show you how to create, deploy, and manage a virtual network for connecting containers spanning single or multiple hosts. What you will learn Get to know the basics of networking and see how Docker networking works Expose the strengths and weaknesses of the current Docker network implementation and third party landscape Understand Docker networking spanning multiple containers over multiple hosts through practical examples Observe the pitfalls of Docker networking and how to overcome them Learn how Docker networking works for Docker Swarm and Kubernetes Configure Networking using Docker's container network model (CNM) Explore OpenvSwitch to connect contain About the Author Rajdeep Dua has over 16 years of experience in distributed systems. He has worked in R&D and Developer Relation roles at Microsoft, Google, VMware, and He has exposure to multiple cloud platforms like Google App Engine, Heroku, Forc