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本文档探讨的是如何结合RocketMQ和Knative技术来驱动云原生的Serverless应用。RocketMQ是一个高效、可扩展的分布式消息中间件,适用于大规模的消息传递场景,特别是对于那些需要高并发和低延迟的应用。而Knative是Kubernetes上的一个开源项目,旨在简化Serverless应用的开发、部署和管理,它强调事件驱动、自动弹性伸缩和按需付费的模式。 首先,文章介绍了DLedger-RocketMQ,这是一个基于Raft协议的commitlog存储库,用于提高数据一致性。李鹏(元毅),作为阿里云云原生应用平台的高级开发工程师,分享了如何利用RocketMQ的高可用性和Knative的灵活性,构建云原生架构中的Serverless服务。他提到了云原生的核心特点,如事件驱动、自动伸缩和成本优化,这些特点使得开发者能够专注于业务逻辑,而非底层基础设施的管理。 Knative本身是一个基于Kubernetes的平台,它包括三个核心模块:Eventing(事件驱动框架)、Serving(服务引擎)和Configuration/Revision/Route(配置管理)。Eventing负责处理事件源产生的消息,如RabbitMQ、RocketMQ、NATS或Kafka,以及GitHub等。Serving则作为Serverless服务的核心,它抽象了应用的部署和生命周期管理,通过Configuration来定义服务的状态,Revision用于版本控制,Route则负责路由请求到正确的服务实例。 在实际应用案例中,文章举了一个餐饮配送场景,展示了如何利用RocketMQSource(可能是一个Knative插件或集成)处理订单事件,然后通过Knative的服务编排模型,实现动态响应配送需求。这表明,RocketMQ的实时性与Knative的弹性部署能力相结合,可以有效提升业务流程的自动化和效率。 总结来说,这篇文章提供了在现代IT环境中,如何利用RocketMQ和Knative构建高性能、弹性和成本效益高的云原生Serverless应用的方法。通过Knative的标准化和事件驱动模型,企业可以更好地利用现有基础设施,同时利用RocketMQ的强大消息传递功能,实现业务逻辑的快速响应和扩展。
2018-04-27 上传
Packt.Kubernetes.for.Serverless.Applications.1788620372.PDF Chapter 1, The Serverless Landscape, explains what is meant by serverless. Also, we will get some practical experience of running serverless functions on public clouds using AWS Lambda and Azure Functions. Chapter 2, An Introduction to Kubernetes, discusses what Kubernetes is, what problems it solves, and also takes a look at its backstory, from internal engineering tool at Google to an open source powerhouse. Chapter 3, Installing Kubernetes Locally, explains how to get hands-on experience with Kubernetes. We will install a local single node Kubernetes cluster using Minikube and interact with it using the command-line client. Chapter 4, Introducing Kubeless Functioning, explains how to launch your first serverless function using Kubeless once the Kubernetes is up and running locally. Chapter 5, Using Funktion for Serverless Applications, explains the use of Funktion for a slightly different take on calling serverless functions. Chapter 6, Installing Kubernetes in the Cloud, covers launching a cluster in DigitalOcean, AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure after getting some hands-on experience using Kubernetes locally. Chapter 7, Apache OpenWhisk and Kubernetes, explains how to launch, configure, and use Apache OpenWhisk, the serverless platform originally developed by IBM, using our newly launched cloud Kubernetes cluster. Chapter 8, Launching Applications Using Fission, covers the deploying of Fission, the popular serverless framework for Kubernetes, along with a few example functions. Chapter 9, Looking at OpenFaaS, covers OpenFaaS. While it's, first and foremost, a Functions as a Service framework for Docker, it is also possible to deploy it on top of Kubernetes. Chapter 10, Serverless Considerations, discusses security best practices along with how you can monitor your Kubernetes cluster. Chapter 11, Running Serverless Workloads, explains how quickly the Kubernetes ecosystem is evolving and how you can keep up. We also discuss which tools you should use, and why you would want your serverless functions on Kubernetes.