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In the translation of the chapter "Four Path-Following Methods" from the book "Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping: Theory, Algorithms, and Software", the author discusses the issue of unwrapped phase computation and the dependency on the integration path. It is observed that the unwrapped phase computed at one pixel, starting from another pixel, can vary depending on the integration path followed. This inconsistency is attributed to the presence of point-like structures known as residues, which are located within a loop of pixels.
The chapter delves into the concept of residues and their impact on the unwrapping process. Residues are identified as the cause of inconsistencies in unwrapped phase computation, leading to the need for path-following methods to address this issue. The author introduces various path-following methods that aim to mitigate the influence of residues on the unwrapping results.
One of the key points highlighted in the chapter is the importance of selecting an appropriate integration path to ensure accurate unwrapped phase computation. The author discusses the implications of different integration paths and emphasizes the need for an effective path-following method to navigate through the presence of residues. Various algorithms and software tools are presented to facilitate the implementation of path-following methods in unwrapping phase data.
Overall, the translation of the chapter "Four Path-Following Methods" provides valuable insights into the challenges associated with unwrapping phase data and the significance of addressing residues through effective path-following methods. The chapter offers a comprehensive overview of the theoretical background, algorithms, and software tools relevant to the topic, making it a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in the field of phase unwrapping.
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