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This passage provides a tutorial on object-oriented programming in JavaScript. It explains the basic concept of classes and how to define and instantiate classes in JavaScript. In object-oriented programming, classes are a fundamental concept. A class represents an abstraction of a group of similar objects, and by instantiating a class, you can create an object that belongs to that class. In JavaScript, you can define a class using a function, like this: ```javascript function class1(){ // Class member definitions and constructor function } ``` Here, `class1` is both a function and a class. It can be understood as the constructor function of the class, responsible for initialization work. To create an instance of a class in JavaScript, you can use the `new` operator. For example, given the previous `class1` definition, you can create an instance like this: ```javascript var obj1 = new class1(); ``` The `new` operator is not only effective for built-in classes like `Date`, but also for user-defined classes. This means that you can use it to create objects from classes that you define yourself. Overall, this passage offers an introduction to the foundational principles of object-oriented programming in JavaScript, including the definition and instantiation of classes. It serves as a useful tutorial for those looking to understand the basics of OOP in the context of JavaScript.