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"Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes For Electrical Engineering" 是一本由Alberto Leon-Garcia编写的关于电气工程中的概率论、统计学和随机过程的教科书,第三版。书中包含了大量的例题和详细解释,适用于入门学习者。非影印版本,配备目录,便于读者查阅和学习。
1. **概率论**:这部分介绍了概率论的基本概念,包括事件的概率、条件概率、独立事件、概率分布等。例如,二项分布、泊松分布、均匀分布、正态分布等常见连续和离散概率分布的定义和特性。此外,还会涉及大数定律和中心极限定理,这些都是概率论在实际问题中应用的基础。
2. **统计学**:统计学部分讲解了数据收集、描述性统计(如均值、中位数、方差、标准差等)和推断性统计(假设检验、置信区间、回归分析等)。书中可能涵盖了参数估计、t检验、卡方检验、F检验以及非参数检验等内容,这些都是工程师解决实际问题时常用的数据分析工具。
3. **随机过程**:随机过程是电气工程中至关重要的概念,特别是对于信号处理、通信系统和控制系统等领域。书中会讲解随机变量序列的相关性和协方差,如马尔可夫过程、Wiener过程(布朗运动)、平稳过程、Karhunen-Loève展开、以及随机微分方程等。这些理论为理解和分析随机系统的动态行为提供了基础。
4. **应用实例**:书中通过丰富的例题和练习题帮助读者将理论知识应用于实际问题,如无线通信中的信道建模、滤波器设计、信号检测和估计等。这有助于读者理解并掌握这些抽象概念的实际意义。
5. **数学工具**:学习这本书需要一定的数学基础,包括线性代数、微积分和复数运算。书中可能会回顾这些基础知识,并将其与概率统计和随机过程相结合,帮助读者建立坚实的数学背景。
6. **学习辅助**:配备目录使读者能够快速定位所需内容,而索引则方便查找特定主题。此外,书中的参考文献和索引为深入研究提供了进一步的资源。
《Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes For Electrical Engineering》是电气工程学生或从业者掌握概率、统计和随机过程理论的优秀教材,其详尽的解释和实例将有助于读者巩固理论知识并提升问题解决能力。

Electrical and computer engineers have played a central role in the design of modern
information and communications systems. These highly successful systems work reli-
ably and predictably in highly variable and chaotic environments:
• Wireless communication networks provide voice and data communications to
mobile users in severe interference environments.
• The vast majority of media signals, voice, audio, images, and video are processed
• Huge Web server farms deliver vast amounts of highly specific information to
Because of these successes, designers today face even greater challenges. The sys-
tems they build are unprecedented in scale and the chaotic environments in which they
must operate are untrodden terrritory:
• Web information is created and posted at an accelerating rate; future search ap-
plications must become more discerning to extract the required response from a
vast ocean of information.
• Information-age scoundrels hijack computers and exploit these for illicit purpos-
es, so methods are needed to identify and contain these threats.
• Machine learning systems must move beyond browsing and purchasing applica-
tions to real-time monitoring of health and the environment.
• Massively distributed systems in the form of peer-to-peer and grid computing
communities have emerged and changed the nature of media delivery, gaming,
and social interaction; yet we do not understand or know how to control and
manage such systems.
Probability models are one of the tools that enable the designer to make sense
out of the chaos and to successfully build systems that are efficient, reliable, and cost
effective. This book is an introduction to the theory underlying probability models as
well as to the basic techniques used in the development of such models.
Probability Models
in Electrical and
Computer Engineering

2 Chapter 1 Probability Models in Electrical and Computer Engineering
This chapter introduces probability models and shows how they differ from the
deterministic models that are pervasive in engineering. The key properties of the no-
tion of probability are developed, and various examples from electrical and computer
engineering, where probability models play a key role, are presented. Section 1.6 gives
an overview of the book.
The design or modification of any complex system involves the making of choices from
various feasible alternatives. Choices are made on the basis of criteria such as cost, re-
liability, and performance.The quantitative evaluation of these criteria is seldom made
through the actual implementation and experimental evaluation of the alternative con-
figurations. Instead, decisions are made based on estimates that are obtained using
models of the alternatives.
A model is an approximate representation of a physical situation. A model at-
tempts to explain observed behavior using a set of simple and understandable rules.
These rules can be used to predict the outcome of experiments involving the given
physical situation. A useful model explains all relevant aspects of a given situation.
Such models can be used instead of experiments to answer questions regarding the
given situation. Models therefore allow the engineer to avoid the costs of experimenta-
tion, namely, labor, equipment, and time.
Mathematical models are used when the observational phenomenon has measur-
able properties. A mathematical model consists of a set of assumptions about how a
system or physical process works. These assumptions are stated in the form of mathe-
matical relations involving the important parameters and variables of the system. The
conditions under which an experiment involving the system is carried out determine the
“givens” in the mathematical relations, and the solution of these relations allows us to
predict the measurements that would be obtained if the experiment were performed.
Mathematical models are used extensively by engineers in guiding system design
and modification decisions. Intuition and rules of thumb are not always reliable in pre-
dicting the performance of complex and novel systems, and experimentation is not pos-
sible during the initial phases of a system design. Furthermore, the cost of extensive
experimentation in existing systems frequently proves to be prohibitive. The availabil-
ity of adequate models for the components of a complex system combined with a
knowledge of their interactions allows the scientist and engineer to develop an overall
mathematical model for the system. It is then possible to quickly and inexpensively an-
swer questions about the performance of complex systems. Indeed, computer pro-
grams for obtaining the solution of mathematical models form the basis of many
computer-aided analysis and design systems.
In order to be useful, a model must fit the facts of a given situation.Therefore the
process of developing and validating a model necessarily consists of a series of experi-
ments and model modifications as shown in Fig. 1.1. Each experiment investigates a
certain aspect of the phenomenon under investigation and involves the taking of ob-
servations and measurements under a specified set of conditions. The model is used
to predict the outcome of the experiment, and these predictions are compared with
the actual observations that result when the experiment is carried out. If there is a

Section 1.1 Mathematical Models as Tools in Analysis and Design 3
Define experiment to
test hypothesis
All aspects
of interest
The modeling process.
significant discrepancy, the model is then modified to account for it. The modeling
process continues until the investigator is satisfied that the behavior of all relevant as-
pects of the phenomenon can be predicted to within a desired accuracy. It should be
emphasized that the decision of when to stop the modeling process depends on the im-
mediate objectives of the investigator. Thus a model that is adequate for one applica-
tion may prove to be completely inadequate in another setting.
The predictions of a mathematical model should be treated as hypothetical until
the model has been validated through a comparison with experimental measure-
ments. A dilemma arises in a system design situation: The model cannot be validated
experimentally because the real system does not exist. Computer simulation models
play a useful role in this situation by presenting an alternative means of predicting sys-
tem behavior, and thus a means of checking the predictions made by a mathematical
model.A computer simulation model consists of a computer program that simulates or
mimics the dynamics of a system. Incorporated into the program are instructions that

4 Chapter 1 Probability Models in Electrical and Computer Engineering
“measure” the relevant performance parameters. In general, simulation models are
capable of representing systems in greater detail than mathematical models. Howev-
er, they tend to be less flexible and usually require more computation time than math-
ematical models.
In the following two sections we discuss the two basic types of mathematical
models, deterministic models and probability models.
In deterministic models the conditions under which an experiment is carried out deter-
mine the exact outcome of the experiment. In deterministic mathematical models, the
solution of a set of mathematical equations specifies the exact outcome of the experi-
ment. Circuit theory is an example of a deterministic mathematical model.
Circuit theory models the interconnection of electronic devices by ideal circuits
that consist of discrete components with idealized voltage-current characteristics. The
theory assumes that the interaction between these idealized components is completely
described by Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws. For example, Ohm’s law states that
the voltage-current characteristic of a resistor is The voltages and currents in
any circuit consisting of an interconnection of batteries and resistors can be found by
solving a system of simultaneous linear equations that is found by applying Kirchhoff’s
laws and Ohm’s law.
If an experiment involving the measurement of a set of voltages is repeated a
number of times under the same conditions, circuit theory predicts that the observa-
tions will always be exactly the same. In practice there will be some variation in the ob-
servations due to measurement errors and uncontrolled factors. Nevertheless, this
deterministic model will be adequate as long as the deviation about the predicted val-
ues remains small.
Many systems of interest involve phenomena that exhibit unpredictable variation and
randomness. We define a random experiment to be an experiment in which the out-
come varies in an unpredictable fashion when the experiment is repeated under the
same conditions. Deterministic models are not appropriate for random experiments
since they predict the same outcome for each repetition of an experiment. In this sec-
tion we introduce probability models that are intended for random experiments.
As an example of a random experiment, suppose a ball is selected from an urn
containing three identical balls, labeled 0, 1, and 2. The urn is first shaken to random-
ize the position of the balls, and a ball is then selected.The number of the ball is noted,
and the ball is then returned to the urn. The outcome of this experiment is a number
from the set We call the set S of all possible outcomes the sample space.
Figure 1.2 shows the outcomes in 100 repetitions (trials) of a computer simulation of
this urn experiment. It is clear that the outcome of this experiment cannot consistent-
ly be predicted correctly.
S = 50, 1, 26.
I = V>R.

Section 1.3 Probability Models 5
Trial number
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Outcomes of urn experiment.
1.3.1 Statistical Regularity
In order to be useful, a model must enable us to make predictions about the future be-
havior of a system, and in order to be predictable, a phenomenon must exhibit regu-
larity in its behavior. Many probability models in engineering are based on the fact
that averages obtained in long sequences of repetitions (trials) of random experi-
ments consistently yield approximately the same value. This property is called
statistical regularity.
Suppose that the above urn experiment is repeated n times under identical condi-
tions. Let and be the number of times in which the outcomes are
balls 0, 1, and 2, respectively, and let the relative frequency of outcome k be defined by
By statistical regularity we mean that varies less and less about a constant value
as n is made large, that is,
The constant is called the probability of the outcome k. Equation (1.2) states that
the probability of an outcome is the long-term proportion of times it arises in a long se-
quence of trials. We will see throughout the book that Eq. (1.2) provides the key con-
nection in going from the measurement of physical quantities to the probability
models discussed in this book.
Figures 1.3 and 1.4 show the relative frequencies for the three outcomes in the
above urn experiment as the number of trials n is increased. It is clear that all the relative
1n2 = p
1n2 =
1n2, N

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