
0 下载量 165 浏览量 更新于2024-03-21 收藏 1.89MB PPT 举报
The PowerPoint presentation "Introduction to Selecting Functions and Modular Program Design Basics" provides a comprehensive overview of the concept of modules and functions in program design. The presentation delves into how algorithms and programs designed to solve smaller problems are known as "functional modules", and how these modules can be individually designed before being combined to solve the original problem. The "top-down" modular program design method is discussed, emphasizing the idea of breaking down a larger problem into modules that solve smaller sub-problems. The structure of a program composed of functional modules is illustrated in a structure diagram, showing the main control module and various sub-modules. Functions are highlighted as components that perform relatively independent functions within a program. An example program is presented, where the input of a date (year, month, day) is used to calculate the day of the year. Overall, the presentation emphasizes the importance of modular program design in breaking down complex problems into manageable components. By designing individual functional modules and combining them effectively, programmers can create efficient and organized programs. The use of functions facilitates code reusability and modularity, making the program design process more structured and scalable.