Observer-based Adaptive Fuzzy Control of Switched Nonlinear Systems
Under Arbitrary switchings*
Zhiliang Liu
, Bing Chen
, Chong Lin
, and Li Zhang
Abstract— This paper addresses the problem of output feed-
back adaptive fuzzy control for a class of nonlinear switched
systems. A switched fuzzy observer is constructed to estimate
the unmeasurable system state. Meanwhile, switched Lyapunov
candidate functions are applied to control design and stability
analysis. Furthermore, a backstepping-based adaptive fuzzy
output feedback control strategy is proposed. It is shown that
the suggested controllers guarantee that all the closed-loop
signals remain bounded and the tracking error converges to
a small neighbourhood around the original point.
Switched systems can be found important applications in
practice engineering, such as robotic, mechanical systems,
and so on [1] and [2]. So, the control issues of switched
systems have been paid great attentions in the last decade.
Some control schemes via state feedback have been reported
for switched linear or nonlinear systems, respectively, for
instance see [3]-[8]. In practice engineering, system’s state
variables are usually unmeasurable. In this case, those control
strategies via state feedback become infeasible. Recently,
adaptive fuzzy/neural control technique has been applied to
solve output feedback control problems of switched uncertain
nonlinear systems. The work in[9] addressed the problem of
output feedback stabilization for switched nonlinear uncer-
tain systems in strict feedback form. An linear observer was
set up to estimate the unknown system’s state and radial basis
function (RBF) neural networks (NNs) were employed to ap-
proximate those unknown nonlinear functions. Furthermore,
an observer-based adaptive neural backstepping controller
design procedure was proposed in [10]-[13]. The devel-
oped adaptive neural controller ensured that all the closed-
loop signals were uniformly ultimately bounded. Differing
from the work in [9], a fuzzy observer was constructed
for switched nonlinear systems to estimate the unknown
system state in [12]. Fuzzy logic systems were introduced
in the design observer to compensate for the nonlinearities
in the controlled systems. Furthermore, an adaptive output
feedback fuzzy control scheme was proposed. The suggested
controllers guarantee the closed-loop stability. Since fuzzy
logic systems are introduced in observer to compensate for
the system nonlinearity, the proposed state estimation in
[12] can get smaller estimation errors than that in [9]. This
result was further extended to switched nonlinear larger-scale
*This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
of China under Grant Nos. 61473160, 61673227
Z.L. Liu, B. Chen, C. Lin ad L. Zhang are all with the Insti-
tute of Complexity Science, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China
systems in [13], in which an adaptive fuzzy decentralized
tracking control strategy was presented via output feedback.
Even though some results on observer-based adaptive
fuzzy/neural control for switched nonlinear systems have
been reported, those existing results are not perfect. Some
weakness of the aforementioned results need to be fur-
ther modified. For examples, 1) in the existing adaptive
fuzzy/neural control schemes based on linear observer, the
system nonlinearities are not well compensated for. So,
these nonlinearities may lead to the deterioration of the
estimation precision; 2) in the control schemes proposed
via fuzzy/neural observers, the observer gain matrix L is
obtained by solving the Lyapunov matrix equation (A −
P + P (A − LC) + Q = 0. Meanwhile, the stability of
the observation error dynamics requires the positive definite
matrices P and Q satisfying a nonlinear matrix inequality
(Q) − a||P ||
− n − 2 > 0, where λ
(Q) is the
minimum eigenvalue of Q, a is a positive constant regarding
a sum of some Lipschitz constants and n denotes the order
of the systems. Usually, it is difficult to find positive definite
matrices P and Q and matrix L simultaneously satisfy
the Lyapunov matrix equation and the nonlinear matrix
Based on the above observation, this paper still studies
adaptive fuzzy output feedback tracking control for a class
of switched nonlinear systems in strict-feedback form. A
fuzzy observer is used to estimate the unknown system state.
Then, differing from the approach presented in [12] and [13],
convex combination technique is used to get the observer
gain matrix. So, our approach avoids to solve a nonlinear
matrix inequality. The above mentioned weaknesses of the
existing results have been overcome. It is shown that the sug-
gested controllers guarantee that all the closed-loop signals
remain bounded and the tracking error converges to a small
neighbourhood around the original point.
Consider the following switched nonlinear system in strict
feedback form:
= f
i,σ( t)
) + x
= f
n,σ (t)
) + u
σ (t)
y = x
, (1)
where x
∈ R is the state of the ith subsystem and ¯x
, x
. . . , x
, σ(t) : R
→ M = {1, 2, . . . , m} denotes
a switching signal. Particularly, it can be expressed as σ(t) =
k(k ∈ M), a piecewise continuous-time function. f
i,σ( t)
(1 ≤
2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC)
Gold Coast Convention Centre, Australia
December 17-20, 2017
978-1-5090-1572-6/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 2148