Mac与iOS音频编程实战指南:Core Audio详解

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"《Learning Core Audio:Mac和iOS音频编程实战指南》是一本深入浅出的书籍,由Chris Adamson和Kevin Avila合著,旨在帮助开发者掌握Apple的Core Audio技术。这本书专为那些希望在Mac和iOS平台上进行音频处理和编程的开发者设计,提供了实践操作的方法和实例,覆盖了音频流的创建、管理、播放、录制以及高级音频处理功能。 书中首先介绍了Core Audio的基本概念,包括音频设备驱动、音频数据流、MIDI支持等内容,让读者对音频系统的工作原理有清晰的认识。接下来,作者通过一系列步骤指导读者如何在Mac的macOS和iOS的iOS操作系统中实现音频功能,如设置音效处理、实时混音、音频输入输出控制等,涵盖了音频应用开发的核心技术。 书中还包含了针对特定平台的详细代码示例,使读者能够快速上手并理解如何在实际项目中运用Core Audio。此外,作者还会讨论一些高级主题,如多通道音频、低延迟处理、音频单元插件(AU)和VST插件的使用,以及如何优化性能和处理音频同步问题。 对于那些希望进入游戏开发、音乐应用或实时音效领域的开发者,《Learning Core Audio》是一本不可或缺的参考书。它不仅提供了实用的技术知识,还强调了跨平台开发的经验分享,帮助读者在Mac和iOS的音频编程旅程中少走弯路。 通过本书,读者可以学习到如何构建高效、稳定且高质量的音频应用,无论是为了个人项目还是职业发展,都能从中受益匪浅。无论是初级开发者还是经验丰富的专业人员,都可以在这个全面的手把手教程中提升自己的音频编程技能。"
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Audio can affect the human brain in the most powerful and profound ways. Using Apple,s Core Audio, you can leverage all that power in your own Mac and iOS software, implementing features ranging from audio capture to real-time effects, MP3 playback to virtual instruments, web radio to VoIP support. The most sophisticated audio programming system ever created, Core Audio is not simple. In Learning Core Audio, top Mac programming author Chris Adamson and legendary Core Audio expert Kevin Avila fully explain this challenging framework, enabling experienced Mac or iOS programmers to make the most of it. In plain language, Adamson and Avila explain what Core Audio can do, how it works, and how it builds on the natural phenomena of sound and the human language of audio. Next, using crystal-clear code examples, they guide you through recording, playback, format conversion, Audio Units, 3D audio MIDI connectivity, and overcoming unique challenges of Core Audio programming for iOS. Coverage includes: mastering Core Audio,s surprising style and conventions; recording and playback with Audio Queue; synthesizing audio; perform effects on audio streams; capturing from the mic; mixing multiple streams; managing file streams; converting formats; creating 3D positional audio; using Core MIDI on the Mac; leveraging your Cocoa and Objective-C expertise in Core Audio,s C-based environment, and much more. When you,ve mastered the "black arts" of Core Audio, you can do some serious magic. This book will transform you from an acolyte into a true Core Audio wizard.