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"《Practical Web Scraping for Data Science_2018》是一本专为数据科学爱好者和专业人员编写的实用指南,作者是Seppe van den Broucke和Bart Baesens。该书在2018年发布,主要针对Python编程语言,重点讲解如何通过requests库和beautiful soup库进行高效、合规的网络爬虫技术。这本书不仅涵盖了基础知识,还提供了最佳实践和实际案例,帮助读者深入理解并掌握Web数据抓取的各个方面。 本书的主要内容包括但不限于: 1. Python爬虫基础:介绍了Python作为数据科学中的关键工具,以及requests和beautiful soup库在爬虫开发中的核心作用。它会从安装和配置开始,逐步引导读者编写简单的网页抓取脚本。 2. HTTP协议与网络请求:详细解释了HTTP工作原理,如何构造和解析请求,以及如何处理响应,这对于理解爬虫的核心逻辑至关重要。 3. 解析HTML和XML:通过beautiful soup库,学习如何解析HTML文档,提取所需的数据元素,如链接、文本、表格等,以及处理常见的网页结构和异常情况。 4. 数据清洗与预处理:介绍如何对抓取到的数据进行清洗,去除噪声、处理缺失值和异常值,使其适合作为后续数据分析的基础。 5. 反爬虫策略与应对:讨论了网站反爬机制,如robots.txt规则、User-Agent设置、IP限制等,并提供策略来规避或适应这些限制。 6. 爬虫架构设计:讲解如何设计和实现可扩展、稳定、易于维护的爬虫系统,包括使用爬虫框架(如Scrapy)和分布式爬虫技术。 7. 隐私与法律问题:强调了在进行Web scraping时必须遵守的法律规范,如版权法、数据保护法,以及尊重网站robots.txt协议的重要性。 8. 实战案例分析:书中包含多个实际项目,涵盖了新闻聚合、产品价格比较、社交媒体数据挖掘等多个领域,帮助读者将理论知识应用到具体场景中。 9. 持续学习和进阶:提供了一些进一步学习的资源和技巧,以及未来可能遇到的新技术和挑战。 《Practical Web Scraping for Data Science_2018》是一本全面且实用的指南,无论你是初次接触爬虫的新手,还是希望提升现有技能的中级开发者,都能从中获益匪浅。通过阅读本书,读者不仅能提升自己的编程技能,还能深入了解如何利用Web数据为数据科学项目增添价值。"
2018-04-19 上传
Practical Web Scraping for Data Science: Best Practices and Examples with Python By 作者: Seppe vanden Broucke – Bart Baesens ISBN-10 书号: 1484235819 ISBN-13 书号: 9781484235812 Edition 版本: 1st ed. Release 出版日期: 2018-06-10 pages 页数: (306 ) This book provides a complete and modern guide to web scraping, using Python as the programming language, without glossing over important details or best practices. Written with a data science audience in mind, the book explores both scraping and the larger context of web technologies in which it operates, to ensure full understanding. The authors recommend web scraping as a powerful tool for any data scientist’s arsenal, as many data science projects start by obtaining an appropriate data set. Starting with a brief overview on scraping and real-life use cases, the authors explore the core concepts of HTTP, HTML, and CSS to provide a solid foundation. Along with a quick Python primer, they cover Selenium for JavaScript-heavy sites, and web crawling in detail. The book finishes with a recap of best practices and a collection of examples that bring together everything you’ve learned and illustrate various data science use cases. What You’ll Learn Leverage well-established best practices and commonly-used Python packages Handle today’s web, including JavaScript, cookies, and common web scraping mitigation techniques Understand the managerial and legal concerns regarding web scraping Who This Book is For A data science oriented audience that is probably already familiar with Python or another programming language or analytical toolkit (R, SAS, SPSS, etc). Students or instructors in university courses may also benefit. Readers unfamiliar with Python will appreciate a quick Python primer in chapter 1 to catch up with the basics and provide pointers to other guides as well.