Checklist and Guidelines for Submitting a Final Paper for Publication for
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
Congratulations on your paper’s acceptance to IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. We are honored to publish your
work and recognize your diligence, effort, and innovation. Now that you have received your acceptance from one of our
Editors-in-Chief, it is time to finalize your manuscript and submit all files in proper IEEE format.
Please submit your final files as soon as possible and no later than 14 days from your paper’s acceptance. Papers queue
for publication on a first-in, first-out basis. Your paper cannot enter the publication queue until you have completed your
final file submission.
Your paper will be posted on IEEE Xplore® under “Early Access” 3-4 weeks after your final files have been submitted.
You will receive a page proof of the final layout of your paper within three months of submitting your final files. Page
charges will be assessed at that time. Unfortunately, it is impossible for us to predict how long it may take from the time
you submit your final files to the time your paper will be published. The time from submission to publication depends on
many factors including: the number of manuscripts in the queue; the number of papers published in each issue of the
journal, which often varies from month to month according to the length of the papers being published; or the number of
Special Issues scheduled to be published within that year. Currently, print publication takes between 10-13 months from
the time you submit your final files. However, the finalized electronic version of the paper is normally available within 5-9
months of the time you submit your files.
Guidelines for submitting a Final Paper for Publication
Preparing to submit your final files means more than just fine-tuning the content of your paper, however. Please place just
as much importance on preparing figures for print as text. Both parts—the paper and the figures—will make an impact on
readers. In order to help you achieve the best quality in your published paper, we will address both the paper and the
figures in our guidelines below.
Changes to your Paper:
We ask authors to include any of the minor changes requested by the reviewer(s) (if any) before uploading the final files of
your paper. Please note, only minor editorial changes and small technical clarifications are permitted before the
final upload. These changes may entail small changes to text (not to exceed a paragraph) or captions, or fine-tuning
figures. However figures and text may not be removed from the paper after acceptance. IEEE performs a final similarity
check between the accepted manuscript and the uploaded paper. If changes are determined to be too extensive, the
paper will be sent out for re-review, which will delay publication.
For Active Content/Multimedia papers: please add one sentence to your abstract indicating the type and purpose of the
active content/multimedia accompanying your paper. For example, “This paper is accompanied by a video demonstrating
xyz . . .”
What to Submit:
1) If you used Microsoft Word, or another similar text editor, please submit a finalized copy of your paper in double-
column, single spaced format (single column is adequate if it is not possible to submit double column). Times New
Roman font is preferred; please use 10 points font.
Submit this finalized copy of your paper in the native electronic format of the word processing software used to
create it. This means if you created the document in Microsoft Word, please submit your paper as a Microsoft
Word file (.doc or docx). The final manuscript will be reproduced from this original file, not from a review (.pdf)
In order to assist the publication team, please note the operating system and word processing software used to
produce your paper. For example: Windows/Microsoft Word.
IEEE currently accepts both Microsoft Word (versions 95 and later) and LaTex files. LaTex may be better for
papers with many equations.
Please do not submit any extraneous files. The publishing team does not need a file for each draft you created.
Just the final file will do.
2) Please submit a flat ASCII or text only version (a .txt file) of your paper in addition to the word-processed version.
Having a plain text version often facilitates the conversion process.