DE0 FPGA开发板中文指南:从入门到高级设计

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"DE0使用说明中文版.pdf"是一份由Altera公司提供的DE0 FPGA开发板的详细介绍文档。这份文档针对DE0开发板进行了详细的讲解,涵盖了从硬件包装到高级设计范例的全方位内容。 在第一章中,着重介绍了DE0开发板的包装内容,包括DE0开发板、USB编程电缆、系统CD(包含Quartus II网络版和Nios II Embedded Design Suite评估版,以及各种文档和实验材料)、压克力板和7.5V DC变压器等部件。组装过程中,用户需要将硅胶脚套安装在开发板的铜脚上,并使用螺丝固定压克力板以提供额外的保护。 第二章至第四章深入解析了DE0开发板的功能特性。第二章介绍开发板布局和组件,包括系统框图,以及上电和初始化过程。第三章重点是DE0控制面板的使用,涵盖了控制LED、七段数码管、开关和按钮,以及SDRAM、Flash控制器、PS/2设备、SD卡和VGA接口的操作。这些章节还教授如何配置Cyclone II FPGA芯片和利用其进行基本输入输出操作。 第四章详述了更多高级应用,如配置时钟电路、LCD模块、扩展接口、VGA接口、串行接口(RS-232和PS/2)以及SD卡的使用。此外,还涉及了SDRAM和Flash的集成操作。 第五章提供了高阶设计示例,包括DE0的默认配置、SD卡设计示例和VGA颜色图案设计,为开发者展示了实际项目的设计流程和技术应用。 最后,在附录部分,包含了修改历史和版权声明等信息,对于了解DE0开发板的更新和版权归属非常有用。 这份文档是DE0 FPGA开发板的实用指南,无论对于初次接触FPGA的初学者还是经验丰富的开发人员,都能从中找到所需的技术支持和实践案例。通过阅读和遵循这份文档,用户能够有效地利用DE0开发板进行FPGA编程和硬件设计实验。
2013-06-06 上传
============================================== PHP5 DeZenders [NWS & RM] [UPDATED 29.11.2011] ============================================== ================== Based on php 5.3.2 ================== Includes the following loaders for encoded files: + ionCube PHP Loader v3.2.31 [CRACKED by sidxx55] + NuSphere PhpExpress v3.2.1 [RETAIL] + Zend Optimizer v3.3.3 [PATCHED by ps2gamer] ======================== Successfully tested with ======================== + Ioncubed files [v6][v7] + NuCoder files [v2] + Zend Guard files [v5] ============ Requirements ============ Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package: x86: x64: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package: x86: x64: Note: If you are running windows x64, you have to install both x64 and x86 versions. ========== How to use ========== Decoding a file: #1: Put dezender in a path without spaces or dots (example C:\dezender) #2: Drag ioncubed/zended file in DECODE_NWS.bat or DECODE_RM.bat and it should produce a decoded file. --- Decoding multiple files: #1: Put dezender in a path without spaces or dots (example C:\dezender) #2: Put the program that needs dezending in _decode (the whole program is fine), it will only parse php files but it will copy all other files to the decoded folder. #3: Run DECODE_NWS.bat or DECODE_RM.bat #4: Sit back, grab another beer, should be done shortly depending on the size of the program #5: Take a look in _decoded_nws or _decoded_rm (depends on the dezender used) ========= Thanks to ========= sidxx55 ps2gamer =============================== Visit us at Sudu's Blog: ===============================