基于 JSP 技术的在线鲜花购物系统设计及实现

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y work has focused on designing and implementing an online flower shopping system website based on JSP. This system aligns with the trend of online shopping and aims to provide a convenient, efficient, and fast way for people to purchase flowers, while also offering a larger market for flower businesses. Online flower sales have emerged as a new form of business, complementing traditional brick-and-mortar flower shops, and is expected to become a new trend. The system is developed using the SSH framework and MyEclipse software, with JSP used to connect the database and SQL Server 2005 as the system database. The technology and design are mature, and the system encompasses seven main modules: login, query, shopping cart, order submission, customer information management, shopping cart management, and order information management. Through testing, the system has shown good potential for market expansion and prioritizes simplicity, ease of learning, understanding, and use. As a result, the system has promising development prospects and significant value. Keywords: Online flower shop sales system; JSP; shopping cart; SSH In summary, this project has successfully designed and implemented an online flower shopping system website based on JSP, in response to the growing trend of online shopping. The system utilizes advanced technologies and aims to provide a user-friendly and efficient platform for purchasing flowers. With modules for login, query, shopping cart, order submission, and customer information management, the system offers a comprehensive solution for both customers and businesses. Through rigorous testing, the system has demonstrated its potential for market expansion and its value in the development of online flower sales. Overall, this graduation thesis represents a significant contribution to the field of online flower sales systems, providing a valuable and practical solution to the increasing demand for online shopping platforms.