Performance of IEEE 802.11 Medium Access Control Protocol over a
Wireless Local Area Network with Distributed Radio Bridges
Cupid C. Chow and Victor C. M. Leung
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4
Email: {cupidc, vleung}@ece.ubc.ca
Abstract -In this paper, the throughput and access delay perfor-
mance of a distributed wireless local area network employing the
IEEE 802.11 medium access control protocol is analyzed by com-
puter simulations. The proposed network uses the same radio
channel over the entire coverage area for wireless terminals to
communicate with multiple radio bridges (RBs) with macro-
diversity. A channel model with additive white Gaussian noise,
log-normal shadowing and Rayleigh fading is considered, with or
without capture effect at each receiver. Without capture effect
the throughput of a linear network with 4 RBs is improved by at
least 120% over that with one RB. With capture effect, the
increase in performance with number of RBs is reduced as the
capture ratio is increased. A two dimensional network model is
also considered and found to have slightly different performance.
Wireless local area networks (WLANs) provide an attrac-
tive networking alternative which enable flexible location of
terminals and can avoid re-wiring when terminals are
relocated [1]. A WLAN employs wireless communications for
interconnecting wireless terminals (WTs) among themselves
to form an ad hoc network, or with a backbone local area
network (LAN) via access points or radio bridges (RBs) to
form an infrastructure network. WLANs usually operate in the
indoor environment where propagation effects such as fading
and shadowing degrade system performance. Techniques such
as diversity reception, equalization, and spread spectrum
signalling can overcome the propagation effects to enable
reliable communications. A medium access control (MAC)
protocol is used by a WLAN to enable multiple WTs to
efficiently share the same wireless channel [2]. Performance
of contention-based MAC protocols can be enhanced by the
capture effect [3][4] at the receiver which enables it to
correctly receive one of several colliding packets, based on
different signal strengths of the packets arriving at the
receiver, or special property of the signaling technique.
We investigate the performance of infrastructure WLANs
employing a novel distributed architecture [5][6]. Most
This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada under Grant OPG0044286, and by Mil3 Inc. under the
University Research Program.
infrastructure WLANs employ the cellular architecture which
divides the coverage area into cells employing orthogonal
radio channels to minimize interference, and their perfor-
mance can be severely affected by propagation effects and
hidden terminals [7][8]. In contrast, the distributed WLAN
architecture uses the same radio channel over the entire
coverage area to enable each WT to communicate with
multiple RBs. This architecture avoids the need for frequency
coordination and a complicated handoff mechanism as
required in the cellular architecture. Moreover, it enables
macro-diversity, which could improve performance in the
presence of propagation effects and hidden terminals.
The objective of this paper is to investigate by simulations
the throughput and delay performance of the IEEE 802.11 [9]
MAC protocol employing carrier-sensed multiple access with
collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) in distributed WLANs
configured with multiple RBs. We focus on the uplink channel
between WTs and the multiple RBs, subject to Rayleigh
fading and log-normal shadowing, with or without capture
effect at the receivers. An overview of the IEEE 802.11 MAC
protocol is given in Section II. Section III presents the
architecture of the distributed WLAN and the OPNET [10]
simulation model. Section presents and discusses the simula-
tion results. Conclusions are given in Section .
The basic MAC protocol specified in IEEE 802.11 is a
Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) that allows for
sharing of the wireless channel through the use of CSMA/CA
and a random backoff time. The DCF is implemented in all
stations and access points. An alternative access method is a
Point Coordination Function (PCF) which may be
implemented on top of the DCF, using a point coordinator to
determine which station currently has the right to transmit. In
this paper we focus on the DCF part for system modeling and
performance analysis. However, both the DCF and the PCF
may coexist without interfering with each others.
Basic access refers to the mechanism a station uses to
determine whether it has permission to transmit. A station
with a pending data frame may transmit when it detects a free
channel for greater than or equal to a Distributed Coordination
0-7803-5669-1/$10.00 (c) 1998 IEEE