COL 9(11), 110008(2011) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS Novemb er 10, 2011
Broadband terahertz spectroscopy
(Invited Paper)
Wenhui Fan (范范范文文文慧慧慧)
State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an 710119, China
Corresp onding author:
Received September 9, 2011; accepted September 22, 2011; posted online October 24, 2011
An overview of the major techniques to generate and detect THz radiation so far, esp ecially the major
approaches to generate and detect coherent ultra-short THz pulses using ultra-short pulsed laser, has been
presented. And also, this paper, in particularly, focuses on broadband THz spectroscopy and addresses
on a number of issues relevant to generation and detection of broadband pulsed THz radiation as well
as broadband time-domain THz spectroscopy (THz-TDS) with the help of ultra-short pulsed laser. The
time-domain waveforms of coherent ultra-short THz pulses from photoconductive antenna excited by fem-
tosecond laser with different pulse durations and their corresponding Fourier-transformed spectra have
b een obtained via the numerical simulation of ultrafast dynamics between femtosecond laser pulse and
photo conductive material. The origins of fringes modulated on the top of broadband amplitude spectrum,
which is measured by electric-optic detector based on thin nonlinear crystal and extracted by fast Fourier
transformation, have been analyzed and the major solutions to get rid of these fringes are discussed.
OCIS codes: 300.6495, 300.6270, 040.2235, 320.7160.
doi: 10.3788/COL201109.110008.
1. Introduction
Spanning the frequency range between the infrared
(IR) radiation and microwaves, terahertz (THz) waves
are, also known as T-rays, T-lux, or simply called THz,
assigned to cover the electromagnetic spectrum typically
from 100 GHz (10
Hz) to 10 THz (10
Hz), namely,
from 3 mm to 30 µm in wavelength, although slightly
different definitions have been quoted by different au-
thors. For a very long time, THz region is an almost
unexplored field due to its rather unique location in the
electromagnetic spectrum. Well-known techniques in op-
tical or microwave region can not be directly employed
in the THz range because optical wavelengths are too
short and microwave wavelengths are too long compared
to THz wavelengths.
With the rapid technological innovation in photon-
ics and other modern technologies, such as ultra-short
pulsed laser, micromachining and nanotechnology, new
techniques in the THz region came out continuously
and speeded up this “almost unexplored” field emerg-
ing in our life. Nowadays, THz research are walking
into the “New Spring” with many very promising and
important applications discovered until recently, such
as information and communications technology, biology
and medical sciences, pharmaceuticals, non-destructive
evaluation, material characterization, homeland security,
on-line quality control, environmental monitoring, and
so on.
Today, a number of characteristics have been found in
the THz region. Firstly, THz radiation is non-ionizing
with very low photon energy, 4 meV corresponding to 1
THz, which is far below the threshold energies to break
chemical bonds or to cause gene mutations, and thus, it
should be harmless for the application of THz waves to
human tissue. Secondly, THz waves have the capability
to pass through a wide variety of non-conducting mate-
rials, such as clothing, paper, dry wood, plastic, and also
go easily through smoke or dust with the small particle
size, although they have the strong reflection by metal
and huge absorption by water. Generally speaking, non-
polar, dry, and nonmetallic materials are transparent
or translucent to THz waves. Therefore, weapons con-
cealed beneath clothing or products contained in plastic
packages can be seen by THz waves. This transparency
motivates the utilization of THz waves in quality control
and security applications
. Even the strong absorp-
tion of THz energy by water has merits in biology science
because THz waves are highly sensitive to the hydration
level in biological tissue
Thirdly, most polar molecules either in the solid or liq-
uid phase show the characteristic “fingerprint” absorp-
tion by absorbing unique THz energies corresponding to
their vibrational transitions
, and polar molecules in
the gas phase also have their rotational transition ener-
gies spanning the microwave and THz frequencies
Therefore, the absorption spectrum across THz range
by means of THz spectroscopy permits specific detec-
tion, such as material characterization, classification or
. On the other hand, plasma frequencies
and damping rates of moderately doped semiconduc-
tors also locate in the THz region between 0.1 and 2.0
, and they are proportional to the carrier den-
sity and mobility of semiconductors, respectively. Thus,
time-resolved THz spectroscopy is an ideal tool for the
study of carrier dynamics in semiconductors. Moreover,
THz waves can be also employed to stimulate Rabi os-
cillations in two-level impurity states in semiconductors,
which enable the manipulation of physical qubits
Furthermore, the Josephson plasma frequency of high-T
cuprate superconductors, such as Bi
, lie at
1671-7694/2011/110008(6) 110008-1
° 2011 Chinese Optics Letters